What are the Skills to Look for When Hiring the Dedicated Node.js Developers?

Top 9 Node.Js Developer Skills To Consider Before Hiring Node.Js Expert - Hire Indian Programmers

Most JavaScript frameworks are based on blocking events, which means that if an ad hoc process request is sent, it won’t be executed till the current event gets completed. Therefore, execution time was more, which further increased the server downtime. This is where NodeJS enters the play. 

It allows the ad hoc events to be processed and executed, thereby reducing the pressure on servers and optimizing the load time. Owing to this reason, around 43 percent of NodeJS is used for industrial solutions and automation. Several companies are changing themselves differently, but mainly via the adoption of new technologies, out of which NodeJS has become the most popular. 

As per the StackOverflow’s 2020 developer survey, Node.js has claimed the top spot for the second year in a row. Also, Node.js has 2.9k observers, 17.6k forks, 71.9k stars, on Github.

To get the best out of NodeJS, a business needs to know the Node.Js developer skills before hiring the skilled and efficient Node.Js expert developers. However, this is easier said than being done because the technology is vast and constantly evolving. Therefore, most professionals do not have updated knowledge or an idea about the market trends. Working with them won’t be fruitful for the companies. 

This article will dive into details on the Node.Js developer skills you should be looking for hiring your next Node.Js developer. 

Let’s get started. 

Top 9 Node.JS developer skills to consider when hiring the experts for your business:

NodeJS has changed the technological world, by allowing businesses to automate their operations and build a non-blocking architecture. However, to integrate these features with the ops, one needs a well-trained and skilled team of developers. 

Not only a NodeJS developer needs to have proper skills in the technical domain and elevates application performance nearly by 50 percent, but they also must have properly developed non-technical skills. This will help your business prosper and flourish in all senses, like project deliverability, meeting customer demands, timely assignment completion, etc. 

Node.Js developer Technical Skills:

These are some of the NodeJs developer technical skills that you should be looking at when hiring a Node Js developer-

1. Knowledge of Node.js framework

The first and foremost skill that a NodeJS developer needs to have is in-depth knowledge about the framework, its working, the types of sub-frameworks available, APIs, and so on. Unless all these skills are properly developed, no professional would be able to meet the business needs in real-life scenarios, be it developing a simple email schedule or a complex customized response for the webserver.

NodeJS is a server-side programming language using which one can customize the responses according to the request presented by a customer on the website or web application. For example, let’s say that someone has clicked on a dropdown option that will display a certain popup. There are many advantages of using NodeJS, a developer will be able to build an API that will get invoked as soon as the request (mouse click) is sent to the server.

Despite having a single thread, a website or application built on this technology won’t take a lot of time in displaying the response to the user. Several NodeJS frameworks are using which the development can be completed successfully. These are:

  • Express: This is one of the fastest frameworks with which web apps can be built and monitored with ease. Instant integration of the APIs is possible with this framework.
  • Sails: Sails is mainly used to orchestrate and implement MVC architectures that enhance the app’s or site’s overall performance.
  • StrongLoop: This is a process management framework using which one can handle deployment to multiple hosts, balancing the load from several ports, and so on.

2. Knowledge in Databases

The next thing you must check is the developer’s proficiency in databases. NodeJS can be integrated with several DBs like MongoDB, PL/SQL, and more. Unless the DB integration and handling is managed properly, it can become a huge problem since data storage, modifications, and even creations are done through these platforms.

Usually, three major databases are paired with NodeJS:

  • MongoDB: This basic DB has become popular for establishing the MERN or MEAN stack development team.
  • NoSQL: NodeJS also supports the integration of a NoSQL platform that has the ability to store and handle both relational and non-relational tables and data.
  • PL/SQL: The most popular form of DB that most organizations use with NodeJS is PL/SQL. It offers several advantages in building a proper data hierarchy, maintaining the stored information, and more.

3. Troubleshooting skills

A NodeJS developer must be aware of troubleshooting the problems, debugging the code modules and finding out where the error has been generated. Until one can excel in the troubleshooting department, it can become very difficult to optimize the performance of the web application or site and improve the customer experience. 

As a part of this important technical skill, a developer must be aware of:

  • The professional must know how to debug errors during code deployment, fix the issues, and push the code in the production servers.
  • Whenever a problem arises or a discrepancy (blocker) is reported, the developer should debug the entire code or trace the process services to fix the issues with ease.

4. Experience in different tools and test runners (ORM, APM)

You must also ensure that the NodeJS developer is experienced in using different tools for writing the codes, processing their executions, and testing the functionalities. 

Until and unless a person is aware of these platforms, you won’t be able to optimize the entire development life cycle. In most of the companies using NodeJS reduces the overall development cost by around 58 percent. 

Some of the major tools and test runners which are used for NodeJS development are:

  • Jasmin
  • Bookshelf
  • Prometheus
  • Mocha
  • The ELK Stack
  • Ava
  • Mongoose

5. Familiar with Agile methodology and DevOps best practices

In the agile methodology, development and testing are run side-by-side. Therefore, a developer needs to build new codes and run the debugging scripts simultaneously. Apart from being familiar with the agile culture, it would be best to know about DevOps. 

It will help you integrate the principles of this technology with NodeJS and orchestrate an automated flow of codes and their continuous deployment into dedicated deployment client servers.

Node.Js developer Non Technical Skills:

Now, let’s acknowledge some of the NodeJs developer non-technical skills that are as much necessary as the technical ones-

1. Effective communication

Until and unless a NodeJS developer is able to communicate properly, it will be extremely difficult to introduce proper coordination between team members. A professional should have both writing and verbal skills so as to present their opinions clearly and set forth their ideas.

2. Team Player

The professional needs to have proper skills to make him a team player. For example, he should communicate with all other team members, coordinate with them while working, and so on. Also, he should be able to lead the team whenever necessary and make sure his methods are result-oriented.

3. Methodology and Approach

While hiring the NodeJS developer, you should check how the professional takes the approach towards completing a task. It should be pliable and also beneficial for the entire team. His approaches must be flexible so that others can adapt themselves accordingly and offer the best performance.

4. Overall Performance

He should be able to come up with new ideas and share them with all other team members to modify the development approaches to meet the customer demands. This will help in developing the business results and improving the overall performance.

Hire the most dedicated NodeJS developers and enhance your business performance

If you want to deliver outstanding results to both clients and customers, hiring the NodeJS developers will be the best solution. These professionals will help optimize your business ops through NodeJS and enhance the development processes with result-oriented plans and methodologies. So, check the must have NodeJs developer skills and consider them as per your business requirements.

If you need any help or want to hire the developers, contact us now and our support team will get back to you with the best solutions and experts as per your requirements.

Node.Js Developer Skills FAQs:

1. What is node.js programming and its purpose in web development?

NodeJS is a server-side, open-source, non-blocking programming language that allows the system to handle user requests without making any delays in API processing or generating the responses.

2. As the CEO or owner of a company, what are the skills to look for in a Node.js developer?

As the CEO or an owner of the company, you must ensure that the chosen NodeJS developer knows about different DBs, has enough experience to work on tools and frameworks, and has proper soft skills like communication and more.

3. How server-side scripting is beneficial for business growth?

With the help of server-side scripting, you can make your business scalable and offer customized responses to the users.

4. What are the qualifications required to become a Node.js developer?

To become a successful NodeJS developer, one needs to have appropriate certifications in technology and knowledge about server-side programming, DevOps, and more.

5. Why Do Companies Prefer Node.Js For Its Software Development?

Most companies prefer NodeJS for software development since it is a non-block I/O driven framework that eliminates the waiting time between request processing and response display.

6. Is Node.js a programming language?

Yes, NodeJS is an open-source programming language using which one can test all the features on the web servers.

7. What does a Node.js developer do?

The main function of the NodeJS developer is to build codes on different frameworks, develop APIs and process the requests, and optimize the third-party integrations.

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