JavaScript Vs. Node.Js: A Comparison of Backend Tech Stacks


Gone are the days when technocrats in the IT market preferred Java, C++, or simple C Programming for developing applications and websites. Presently, more focus is given on client-side development to improve the customer experience, efficiency of the software, and so on. For doing so, the two most commonly used programming platforms are JavaScript and NodeJS.

JavaScript is mainly a web-based platform where you can write codes for both the client and server sides. With 12.4 million programmers worldwide, JavaScript seems to be the most prominent scripting language currently.

On the other hand, Node.JS is a single-threaded platform where event-server applications and websites can be developed. Node JS is most prevalent in the United States, where it is used by nearly 6.3 million sites and sees it as the future of web development. Even though both of these are used for different functions, there is a lot of confusion regarding their features and other aspects.

Owing to this reason, we have shed light on the brief overview of JavaScript VS Node.Js for your better clarification.

What is JavaScript? – A Brief Overview

JavaScript is a web-based programming language with which codes for both client-side and server-side can be developed. Owing to its lightweight nature, the software platforms that will be developed can run quickly without compromising the performance and quality.

There are around 1444231 libraries and counting throughout the 25-year history of JavaScript. Apart from this, JS allows full-stack development to ensure developers can build an entire software using only a single language rather than employing a different programming language.

The codes will be run on the web browser because the infrastructure of this language is based on HTML. Therefore, developers can run the scripts directly and check how the codes perform.

5 Types of applications made with JavaScript

Using JavaScript, one can develop a myriad of software types. In the below section, we have described the different types and how JS can ease the work of developers.

1. Websites

Several websites can be developed using JavaScript thanks to the wonderful frameworks, in-built tools, and library functions. These can easily be integrated within the website codes to improve the overall functionality, performance, and speed.

2. Web and mobile apps

Both web-based and mobile-based applications can be developed using JavaScript. In addition, it has several frameworks that support cross-platform development- the technique of using a single piece of code and running it across different OS, regardless of the specifications. So, when an app is built with JavaScript frameworks, it can run on Android OS, Chrome OS, iOS, Windows, Mac OS, and more.
Google Ads is the ultimate example of such an app since it allows you to dynamically manipulate your Google Ads information using basic JavaScript. It has been done via one of the most well-known third-party Flutter apps for iOS, Android, and other platforms.

3. Server apps

Desktop-based applications like Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and others can be built easily using the JavaScript language. After making the codes for the backend functionalities that will run the navigation system, code functions, and others, the language can be extended further to develop the frontend parts.

4. Gaming apps

With the combination of JavaScript and HTML5 (the latest version implemented in development), one can develop web-based games. These applications will be more dynamic and help offer the best immersive responses to the end-users. It will also allow the integration of APIs for animating gaming elements, allowing users to interact with others, along with third-party integrations.

5. Wearable apps

Wearable applications like that for smartwatches can also be developed using JavaScript. So it has launched a special framework named NativeScript that will allow developers to integrate the modules in the wearables with the backend codes written in JavaScript.

Famous applications made using JavaScript

Several popular applications and websites have been developed using JavaScript. Some of them are

  1. Netflix: The most popular entertainment application available in the website and mobile app form.
  2. LinkedInA social media platform for job listings, interviewers, and job seekers.
  3. Paypal: A global payment wallet that allows transactions using different currencies, starting from USD to Euros, Sterling Pounds, and so on.
  4. UberThe largest cab company in the USA is based on JavaScript, so its mobile application is so fast and comes with intuitive features.
  5. FacebookQuite amazingly, Facebook is also built using the JavaScript scripting language.

Advantages and Disadvantages of JavaScript:

JavaScript is a server side programming language and the codes are visible in the webpage source. This language is often executed directly on a client’s browser. Now, let’s talk about some JavaScript advantages and cons:

Pros of JavaScript:

  • JavaScript is an open-source platform, so there is a huge community of developers, designers, and other professionals.
  • Thanks to the lightweight infrastructure, the applications and websites developed can perform faster without sacrificing performance.
  • JavaScript supports different interfaces, modules, and classes for integrating multiple dynamic features.
  • Using this language, both frontend and backend development are possible. This further reduces the redundancies from the codes and errors.

Cons of JavaScript:

  • Read or write functions are allowed with JavaScript, which is certainly one of the biggest concerns for developers.
  • It does not support multiple inheritances that can create a hierarchy model.
  • The library functions are limited, restricting the developers from using in-built packages.

What is Node.js? – A Brief Overview

Node.JS is based on JavaScript and allows the Node.Js developers to run codes on the servers beyond the web browsers. Therefore, the main limitation with JS can be solved easily. Furthermore, you don’t have to use any separate framework because Node.JS will allow you to run codes across a wide range of platforms like Linux, Windows, and more. For Windows (x64) users, version 16.14.0 LTS is highly advisable.

Types of Applications that can be developed with Node.JS

Node.Js is best for data-intensive, real-time application development. There are so many advantages of using the Node.Js framework such as performance, reusable code, ability to handle multiple requests, etc.

1. IoT apps

Using Node.JS, IoT, or the Internet of Things, applications can be developed easily. These applications run on the servers and connect multiple appliances and systems on the same network. PREE, Asama, and Intel Edison are some well-known instances of Node. js-powered IoT.

2. Real-time chatbots

Real-time chatbots are integrated into gaming applications, websites, and other software types where the bot will initiate a conversation once a user visits the software. Furthermore, all the conversion is done on time, offering the end-users an amazing experience.

3. SPA

SPA or single-page applications can also be developed with the help of Node.JS, which is why it has become immensely popular. SPAs don’t have multiple web pages, and all the functions are present on the same layer.

4. Streaming applications

Streaming applications like entertainment software, gaming, and others are also based on Node. JS. It allows developers to build lightweight platforms that will work at an amazing speed.

5. Cross-platform applications

Cross-platform applications based on Node.JS can be run across different operating systems without using multiple codes. For example, a single piece of snippet developed by Node.JS can work with Android OS, Mac OS, iOS, and more.

Famous applications made using Node.JS

Some of the most-used applications that have codes running on the Node.JS framework are:

  1. GrouponIt is an online website to find deals and coupons of various kinds.
  2. GoDaddyThis is a US-based web hosting company serving the entire world and meeting the market requirements with ease.
  3. eBayAn online shopping and reselling platform, eBay is also based on Node.JS.
  4. TrelloTrello is a work management tool used for orchestrating different tasks within a business.
  5. MediumThis is an online publishing platform using which one can post blogs, articles, and other such content on the internet.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Node.js:

Node.Js is the booming framework now and used by the big industries like healthcare, IT, and many more. It is the simplest open-source framework for web application development. So, if you want to make a balanced choice for your needs, then let’s explore the Node.Js advantages and cons.

Pros of Node.JS

  • The number of modules to be included is less, and therefore, debugging the codes and finding the errors will become easier.
  • It will allow the developers to build Linux, Windows, and other such platforms.
  • All the APIs used in Node.JS are non-blocking in nature which is why one can integrate them with any application.

Cons of Node.JS

  • The APIs in Node.JS change regularly, which has created a problem of consistency in the performance of the software.
  • It is a single-thread-based platform where no code can be developed using multiple threads.


Difference between JavaScript and Node.JS

Now, you are aware of the Javascript and Node.Js advantages with types of apps developed by these two frameworks. Here we are going to discuss the main comparison between JavaScript and Node JS. Let’s start with Javascript vs Node.Js comparison:

Features JavaScript NodeJs
Definition It is a scripting language run only on web browsers. It is a JavaScript-based framework that can be run on servers also.
Dedicated Servers It does not need a dedicated server. It needs dedicated servers to perform.
Types JavaScript has multiple frameworks. Node.JS is itself a framework.
Running Engines JavaScript runs on web browsers. NodeJS runs on Chrome’s V8 engine
Languages supported JavaScript can support HTML languages. NodeJS usually support single-thread JS language
Community It is an open-source community-based language It does not have a widespread community
Used for This is used for developing websites, server apps, wearable apps, and, more This is used for creating cross-platform and server-based applications
Modules Modules are larger than other languages Modules are smaller and hence, easy to decode
Company uses JavaScript help IT companies to develop web applications both on the backend and frontend NodeJS allows the development of cross-platform apps

Type of programming:

Both Node js and JavaScript are scripting languages that can code the server programs. However, NodeJS will allow you to extend the codes for running the applications on servers and not on the web browsers only.

1. Server-based coding

Server-based coding is possible for both these languages, but the ease of coding and the implementation is much easier with JavaScript. This is because NodeJS is a single-thread application and therefore, the codes are lighter and don’t involve multiple threads and modules. Besides, with JavaScript, you can code for multiple server engines.

2. Uses in programming

JavaScript is used for web-based applications, while NodeJS can be used for both web and mobile-based applications. Node.js also has a large number of related libraries, which are commonly used in javascript. It is a sort of interpreter that represents JavaScript and executes any JavaScript program.

3. Non-blocking tasks

Non-blocking tasks are only possible in NodeJS and not on the Javascript framework. Node JS primarily assists us in executing a few non-blocking operations, including some OS special information. It includes hardware detail or certificate details, whereas JavaScript regular programming will not assist us in doing so.

Embrace JavaScript without a Second Thought

JavaScript is a widely-used programming language that is commonly utilized by online application developers. Node JS is a JavaScript library extension, however, it includes various undefined features. Even though one has to use node js in JavaScript, the ease of programming is better for JavaScript than NodeJS. This is why the platform is preferred in most cases compared to Node.


Q1. Why Node.JS cannot be used for backend development?

A1. NodeJS is a cross-platform, development framework where the codes scripted are for the server-side only. These codes can be run on any server without the use of web browsers. But the framework doesn’t offer libraries and other features for backend development.

Q2. Whose learning curve is steeper- JavaScript and Node.JS?

A2. Out of the two development platforms, JavaScript has a steeper learning curve because it can be implemented for complete full-stack development. Besides, it has several frameworks which need to be learned. On the other hand, Node.JS has a flatter learning curve.

Q3. What is the purpose of using NodeJS in web development?

A3. In aspects of libraries and functionality, Node. js may improve the productivity of a development project. It enables developers to build code in a unified manner and to use a single scripting language for both client-side and server-side applications. Moreover, you can get some more features to enhance the work rates of web development projects.

Q4. Is JavaScript used by node js?

A4. Despite node JS is not a scripting language, it enables developers to utilize JavaScript, (programming language) which is used to create online applications. This software is most often used by developers who build Server-Side scripts in JavaScript.

Q5. Is JavaScript compatible with ReactJS?

A5. JS, often known as ReactJS, is a free and open-source JavaScript front-end library for creating user interfaces built on UI elements. Meta (previously Facebook) and a network of individual developers and corporations manage it. React may be used as a foundation for single-page or mobile apps.


Q6. Is JavaScript used on the front end or the back end?

A6. Front End development is done using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Front End developers execute the framework, design, behavior, and material of everything shown on browser displays when web applications, mobile apps, or websites, are launched.

Read More:

GOLang Vs Node JS: What to Choose for your Next Project?

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