Benefits of Hiring a Node.js Developer

Benefits of Hiring a Node.js Developer

Nowadays, the field of web development is crowded with new and experienced developers. But hiring a basic developer instead of a dedicated Node.js developer can create lots of problems and headaches for businesses. 

Developing unique and customized Node.js applications is not as easy as it sounds. One needs to have a good command of the Node.js environment and should have enough experience in writing high quality codes. That’s why it’s important to hire a Node.js developer with skills and relevant experience. 

So, if you are considering hiring a Node.js developer, here are some benefits you will get with that.


Top 11 benefits of hiring a Node.js developers


1. Create data-intensive real-time applications

Node.js developers can build data-intensive real-time applications that require high throughput and low latency. Node.js is an excellent choice for building data-intensive real-time applications that require high throughput and low latency due to its single threading model. The model provides predictable performance across all devices. 

Node’s asynchronous event loop architecture allows developers to write code in a synchronous style as if it were blocking code running on the server thread. Still, it executes asynchronously with other tasks in the event queue.

An asynchronous event loop allows the server to process multiple requests. This makes it easy for developers to create fast web servers that can handle thousands of concurrent connections without introducing performance bottlenecks or affecting the responsiveness of any other processes on the system.


2. Expertise in frameworks

Hiring a Node.js developer will give you access to their expertise in frameworks like Express, Hapi, and Koa. These frameworks help with creating web applications, APIs, and microservices.

They know how to create scalable code and fast-performance web applications that clients can use globally. They also have expertise in other frameworks like MongoDB, MySQL, etc., which can be used for creating the database of your website or app.


3. High quality code 

Node.js developers use high-quality code for developing websites or apps for clients. They use testing tools like Mocha/Chai/Sinon/Mocha-Chai-Sinon to test each part of your code before deploying it on your server. They have a great understanding of the technology and can create applications that are scalable, robust, and secure.

Proper testing helps reduce errors while using it on production servers. This reduces the cost of development and maintenance costs in the future. It’s because there will be no bugs left in the system after deployment if proper testing is done during the development phase by experts. 


4. Uniformity in code

Code uniformity is important because it allows developers to share code and reuse it. This reduces the amount of time spent on creating similar functionalities, which in turn allows them to focus on more complex tasks.

Developers can also benefit from code reusability if they decide to use prebuilt modules instead of writing them from scratch. This saves time and ensures that the final product has no bugs or errors.

The best thing about Node.js developers is that they can bring uniformity in code development by using a single language across all platforms. This means that you will not have to hire experts for different languages such as Python or PHP anymore, as your team will be able to work with one language only.


5. Quick development cycles

Node.js provides an asynchronous programming model that allows developers to write code in small chunks that are executed in parallel by the event loop. It  eliminates the need to create multiple threads to handle requests or connections.

The platform is also great for developing small microservices that communicate with each other over HTTP to solve problems in a distributed environment. Many companies have used Node.js in the past decade to build their applications, including Netflix, PayPal, and LinkedIn.


6. High scalability

Even if you have a small project, Node.js can handle it without problems. If you want to create an application that can scale up, then you should use this technology, as it has proven to be very effective. 

The Microservices architecture with this framework helps you manage your application better and ensure it works without any issues.

Node.js uses non-blocking I/O, meaning that a single thread can handle multiple requests without waiting for other requests to finish. This reduces the downtime caused by bottlenecks in your application’s code and improves your application’s performance.


7. Easy debugging

It’s easier to debug in Node.js because most of the code is written in JavaScript. It means you don’t have to write any additional code to debug your application if something goes wrong with it. 

The only thing that the developer is required to do is add some logging statements inside the code. This makes it easier for developers to find out what went wrong with their application when it starts behaving strangely or crashing while running in the production environment.


8. Create customized solutions

With the help of Node.js developers, you can create customized solutions according to your business requirements. They will help you build scalable applications that can  handle more than 15,000 requests per second. 

The developers can help you build a unique product that will help you stand out from your competitors and increase productivity within your organization. They can also develop modules and packages that can be used by other developers or companies as well. This makes them very valuable when it comes to creating applications for businesses.

You can also expect the developers to provide better service than usual. This is because  they will have more experience dealing with different types of clients from various industries like media, retail, and healthcare, etc.


9. Better understanding of the project

When you hire a Node.js developer, they’ll already know about your project and its requirements. Node.js developers are well versed in HTML5 and CSS3, so they can develop websites that are user-friendly and compatible with all browsers.

Since Node.js is constantly evolving, hiring developers who know how to use the latest technology is important. This will ensure that they can easily adapt to any changes that are made in the future. 

For example, if there was an update regarding security or performance, they could easily adapt to these changes without much effort.


10. Handling time-critical projects

Node.js developers are capable of handling large amounts of data, which makes them ideal for analytics software development, real-time applications, and IoT (Internet of Things) systems. They can quickly complete real-time data analysis and visualization tools on the client side and server side.

Node.js developers have the skills and knowledge required to handle complicated projects with ease and professionalism which is one of the key advantages of Node.js. Hiring a Node.js developer will allow you to complete these tasks within a short timeframe and avoid delays at all costs.


11. Enhanced security

Node.js developers are well-versed with the concepts of security and know how to develop applications that follow a secure development lifecycle (SDLC). They can design your application to comply with all the industry standards and best practices related to security.

The developers are also responsible for creating secure communication between clients and servers. They use secure socket layer (SSL) certificates when transmitting sensitive information like passwords or credit card numbers over the internet.


Hire the best Node.js developer for your next project 

Hiring a Node.js developer can be a painstaking decision that every business owner should consider carefully before making an offer to a candidate. An ideal candidate should have extensive knowledge, a good portfolio, and experience. 

HIP is a leading Node.js development agency with a dedicated team for designing and developing websites on the platform. We can help you hire a team of dedicated Node.js developers to build a web application that meets your needs while remaining scalable as your business grows.



1. Who is a Node.js developer?

Node.js developers are usually experienced full-stack web developers with a background in front-end development. They understand the basics of both client-side and server-side programming and are comfortable working with both technologies. Among other Node.js Developers Skills, they also have experience with databases such as MongoDB or PostgreSQL, or NoSQL solutions like Redis or Elasticsearch. 

2. How is a Node developer different?

The difference between a Node developer and a web developer is that the Node developer is more focused on asynchronous programming and event-driven response. 

Also, Node.js developer is not limited by the environment in which they write their code, since Node.js runs both on the client side (for front-end web development) and on the server side (for back-end development). This makes a Node.js developer more flexible than other developers who work only with one type of technology.

3. In-house or outsourced: Who to hire a Node.js developer?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on your company’s goals and your developer needs.

Companies hire in-house developers because:

  • They can collaborate directly with the person who is doing the work.
  • They have complete control over the site’s content and functionality.

However, In-house developers are expensive, time-consuming and don’t always have the experience needed for your project.

Outsourcing is a preferred choice for many businesses as it:

  • Increases productivity by focusing on core competencies like marketing, sales, and customer service. 
  • Saves money by hiring developers who are already experienced in Node.js development. 
  • Reduces risk by working with developers who have proven track records and certifications in Node.js development.

4. How much does it cost to hire a Node.js developer?

The cost of hiring a Node.js is estimated at around $20-$40/hour.

5. How fast can I hire a Node.js developer?

You can hire a Node.js developer or create a dedicated team of Node.js developers within 2 weeks. 


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