PHP Vs Javascript: The Right Tech For Your Project

PHP Vs Javascript: Right Choice for Your Project

One of the most popular questions businesses must address is the technology they must use to develop their websites. There are so many choices available that you could easily over-complicate your project by choosing the wrong one.

There are many different types of technologies out there, but we will focus on two of the most popular. They are PHP and JavaScript. If you have a website project you need to work on but aren’t sure which technology is the best one to use, then this blog is for you. 

We will look at a few of the most important differences between PHP and JavaScript to help you make the right decision for your project.


What is PHP?

PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP code may be embedded into HTML or HTML5 code, or it can be used in combination with various templating engines and web frameworks. PHP code is usually processed by a PHP interpreter implemented as a module in the web server or as a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) executable. 

The web server combines the results of the interpreted and executed PHP code, which may be any data, including images, with the generated page and sends it to the client web browser for rendering.

PHP supports many database systems, including MySQL and PostgreSQL, as well as flat files. PHP can be embedded into HTML or used with a command line interface (CLI). The most common way to use PHP is via a web server software that includes the Zend engine and supports PHP scripts.

Features of PHP

  1. PHP is a server-side scripting language that can be embedded into HTML. It is a popular open source language used by many websites and web applications.
  2. The server processes PHP code before being sent to the browser, so it can be used to create dynamic content, such as database-driven sites or pages with instant search functionality.
  3. PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development but can also be used as a general-purpose programming language. 

Pros of PHP

  1. PHP is ideal for small businesses as it’s free to download and use. 
  2. It’s fast and efficient for building dynamic content.
  3. It has a large library of built-in functions that make it easy to perform tasks like string manipulation or file uploads.
  4. PHP doesn’t require any compilation steps before running code on the server.

Cons of PHP

  1. PHP can’t be used as a standalone language because it needs to be executed by a web server such as Apache or Nginx.
  2. It’s not as fast as other languages.
  3. It’s not easy to scale.
  4. It’s not nearly as secure as other languages.

PHP is used for instances such as:

  • Content Management Systems(CMS) like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc.
  • Servers like SQL, MariaDB, SQL, Postgresql, Sybase, etc.


What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a programming language used to create interactive web pages. Business websites use it to enhance the user experience, but it can also be used for other purposes, such as financial transactions and video games. 

The language has changed significantly over the years, with versions 1 through 4 replaced by ECMAScript 5. The next major release of JavaScript is ECMAScript 6 (ES6), which will incorporate many new features into the language.

One of the most popular uses of JavaScript today is client-side (browser) scripting (i.e., client-side programming). In this context, it is used to add interactivity to web pages by manipulating the browser’s HTML, CSS, and XML documents.

Features of JavaScript

  1. It is an object-oriented programming language.
  2. It has a dynamic type system, which automatically converts between different types as required by the program or situation (for example, int to string).
  3. It supports both functional and imperative programming paradigms.
  4. JavaScript doesn’t require compilation before running, so it can be run immediately after writing it in a text editor (similar to other scripting languages).

Pros of JavaScript

  1. It’s free.
  2. Because JavaScript runs in all browsers, there’s no need to worry about compatibility issues when working with multiple platforms such as mobile devices or desktops.
  3. JavaScript is quite faster at executing code than other programming languages like Ruby or Python. 

Cons of JavaScript

  1. It can be slow on some browsers, especially if many functions are running simultaneously.
  2. You’ll also run into problems building a large application that needs some persistence layer or database access. 
  3. JavaScript code is hard to maintain and debug. 

JavaScript is used for instances such as:

  • Front-end technologies like Angular JS, JQuery, Ember JS, Backbone.js, Reactjs, etc.
  • Server-side technologies like MongoDB, Node.js, Express.js, etc.


PHP vs JavaScript: Differences


1. PHP vs JavaScript: Code Usability

PHP code is more readable than JavaScript and easier to debug. The syntax for variables and expressions in PHP is the same as in other programming languages like C++ or Java.

With JavaScript, on the other hand, developers need to understand how to use objects, functions, and arrays. This can make it harder for beginners to get started with JavaScript.


2. PHP vs JavaScript: Ease of learning

Getting started with PHP is much easier than with JavaScript. A PHP developer can use one of the several open-source application servers that handle the heavy lifting so that all they have to do is set up your projects. The developer only needs a simple text editor to write server-side PHP code using HTML elements and store it in a self-executing *.php file, which will then be interpreted by the web server and run.

PHP is much easier to learn than JavaScript because it’s a server-side programming language, while JavaScript is a client-side programming language.

With PHP, code runs on a server and doesn’t need re-interpretation for each user visiting your website. With JavaScript, on the other hand, the developer writes code that runs in the browser and must be re-interpreted for each user who visits your website.


3. PHP vs JavaScript: Performance

JavaScript includes support for asynchronous events, single-threaded execution, and a non-blocking I/O model. JavaScript uses event looping to make applications highly responsive. Due to this design pattern, JavaScript is the ideal solution for high-concurrency streaming applications with low latency needs, making it easy to achieve concurrency without using any additional resources on top of Node.js itself. 

PHP is often called a multi-threaded programming language due to how it executes its Web applications’ functionality. However, unlike JavaScript, which was programmed as an asynchronous scripting programming language, PHP is synchronous and blocks I/O until a command is executed. 

Compared with non-blocking languages ​​such as JavaScript and Python, PHP has an inherent disadvantage due to its reduced speed. Still, some experts argue that this makes it more stable than JavaScript because there are fewer ways in which errors can occur.


4. PHP vs JavaScript: Universal applicability

PHP is a server-side language, while JavaScript is a client-side language. This means that you can use PHP to create web applications that run on a local server and make requests to remote servers to get data or send data. On the other hand, JavaScript runs inside browsers and interacts with HTML elements using events like clicks or changes.

The biggest advantage of JavaScript over PHP is that JavaScript is a full-stack development language. Your web or mobile application can be developed without using technologies other than JavaScript. It’s important to note that PHP is an internal development language, while JavaScript can be used on the front-end and back-end.


5. PHP vs JavaScript: Documentation process

Official documentation for both languages is not user-friendly. The documentation for both languages is for experienced developers, not beginners.

The JavaScript teacher, Chris Ferdinandi, says it took him a long time to master the intricacies of JavaScript because there wasn’t nearly enough documentation at the time he was learning. At the same time, however, there are quite a lot of good resources available today. That’s one of the reasons developers can always find answers to their questions relevant to building your site if they’re experienced enough developers to understand how different elements should be coded together.


6. PHP vs JavaScript: Popularity

According to the latest data from the Stack Overflow Developer Survey, JavaScript is the most popular programming language. It is used by 65% of the developers who took the survey (vs 22% for PHP). However, this number is down from 67% for JavaScript and 26% for PHP. 

As the Google Trends data suggests, up until December 2013, PHP was a more popular search query than JavaScript. However, JS has surpassed its counterpart in this field since that time.


7. PHP vs JavaScript: Community 

According to, web developers who use JavaScript love it because it can be versatile (it can be used in the front-end and back-end) and proven and flexible. Many modern websites or applications you’re familiar with rely on JavaScript, including Netflix, LinkedIn, Instagram, eBay, and many more worldwide sites. JavaScript is the most popular language on Github, with over 18% of pull requests. 

The Stackshare survey shows that the most special features of PHP are its large community and its open source features. These back-end language sites include Facebook, Lyft, Wikipedia, Slack, Tumblr, and 9gag. It ranks eighth on GitHub, with around 5% of pull requests.

Both languages have huge community support. 


8. PHP vs JavaScript: Security

Javascript is more vulnerable than PHP when it comes to security reasons. It’s easier to exploit than PHP due to its nature of being weakly typed with dynamic semantics. These semantics make JavaScript less secure than PHP, even though several solutions are available for securing the JavaScript code (for example, JQuery).

Both JavaScript and Java are vulnerable to some forms of attack even when proper countermeasures are taken. For example, developers can secure your JavaScript code with Security Analyzer tools and use development best practices to avoid potential threats.


9. PHP vs JavaScript: Cost of development

The cost of hiring a developer in either PHP or JavaScript is about the same. So, the total dev cost for one project would be about the same no matter which language you pick.


PHP vs JavaScript, which is better?

This is where it’s hard to choose between two very similar options. Both JavaScript and PHP are open source and widely used languages in the web development industry, but which one will work best for your business? It all comes down to your requirements as a business owner and how usable you think each language will be for you.


Hire a PHP/JS developer for your next project

Finding the right developer to build your product is a difficult task. While many resources are available online, you’re still left with the challenge of finding someone right for your project and company.

If you’re looking for a developer, there are a few things you should consider:

  • How does their experience align with your project?
  • Do they have any recommendations from other companies?
  • Are they willing and able to work with you iteratively?
  • Do they have any previous work that you can see?


These are just some of the questions when hiring a PHP developer or JS developer.. But if these questions were answered before you went through the hiring process, it would save everyone time and effort—yours and theirs.

HIP makes it easy for businesses to find developers who meet their requirements quickly and efficiently. HIP finds the right match and helps in the candidate validation process. With this, businesses can find the right match for their requirements in no time at all. 



  • Is PHP still relevant in 2022?

Yes, PHP will still be relevant in 2022. The PHP scripting programming language is a tool that can create any website in 2022.

  • Is PHP better than JavaScript?

Since JavaScript can handle both front-end and back-end, it’s considered more powerful than PHP. 

  • Can JavaScript do everything PHP can?

No, JavaScript can’t do everything that PHP can do. 


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