How Much Is The PHP Developer Cost?

PHP Developer Cost

You’re here because you want to know the PHP developer cost.

However, there’s no one easy answer to it. 

The PHP developer cost varies based on many factors, which we will discuss in this article.

Let’s get started right now.

7 Factors That Adds To The Overall Cost Of PHP Developer

The experienced PHP development company can estimate a budget for you if you give them as much information as possible. 

However, the overall PHP developer cost for your project may differ based on the following factors.

1. Project Scope

The intricacy and scope of the project is the primary element in deciding the cost of hiring a PHP developer. You won’t have to spend much money on a small PHP project. 

However, you’ll need a considerably bigger budget if your project requires extensive PHP programming requirements in a PHP developer like – 

  • Knowledge of – 
    • PHP web frameworks like CodeIgniter and Laravel
    • Front-end technologies like JavaScript and HTML5
    • Ajax, jQuery, SQL/NoSQL databases
    • Code versioning tools like Git, Mercurial, and CVS
  • Degree in relevant field
  • Extensive experience creating scalable applications
  • Ability to manage significant projects

Thus, it is critical to establish the project’s complexity and PHP developer qualification before settling on the cost.

2. PHP Developer Experience

Another essential aspect in deciding the PHP development project’s cost is the level of skill a PHP developer has.

If you hire an expert, you can expect to pay far more than you would if you hired a beginner or intermediate developer. 


Because expert developers may have extensive knowledge of PHP web frameworks, front-end technologies, Ajax, jQuery, SQL, etc., while an intermediate developer may lack here.

Choosing a PHP developer is best based on the project’s difficulty level.

3. PHP Developer Skills

In addition to having experience, it’s essential to have the right expertise. 

Varied knowledge and skill sets (both technical and non-technical) are required for a PHP developer. 

For example, frames and technologies like MySQL, APIs, and JavaScript, might directly impact the project’s cost.

A good PHP developer will do more than write, test, and update code for your website. 

Furthermore, an ideal PHP developer can cooperate with many other developers, build a wide range of applications, and troubleshoot them when necessary.

4. Location Of The Developer

The location of a PHP developer is another important consideration to consider when choosing one since it might affect the pricing of your project—the developer’s pay scale shifts in tandem with the change in geographic location.

For example, in the United States and Canada, the developers charge the most. The hourly rate for a Canadian or American developer is generally between $120 and $250.

Hiring a developer from Europe is more expensive, but you may expect a medium-range cost if you employ one from Western Europe.

Hire somebody from the UK or Australia, and you’ll pay between $100 and $180 an hour.

India is well-known for having a plethora of gifted software engineers. 

The hourly rate for a PHP developer in India typically ranges from $20 to $50. Indian PHP developers can provide high-quality work rapidly, making them the best option for hiring a developer.

5. Complexity Of The PHP Project—Measure on PhpMetrics

Consider the intricacy of your project and the amount of time it will take to build it while looking for a PHP developer for your project.

Your web app’s cost depends on its features—the project’s duration is impossible to predict with any degree of accuracy. 

Thus, following a PHP application’s design, development, and launch, ongoing monitoring, maintenance, upgrades, and debugging are necessary.

Fluid, dynamic, and functional websites are frequently the outcome of utilizing custom web development solutions. 

However, keeping up with the times necessitates creating a website that is aesthetically pleasing and functionally sound. Working with a PHP development company is an excellent approach to keeping things simple.

6. Freelancers Vs. In-House Vs. Offshore Developers

When outsourcing your PHP development needs to any of the above developers, consider this:

  • Cost: Many companies outsource their PHP development needs because of budget limits and the need to keep prices down.
  • Hiring freelancers will cost less than full-time/offshore developers. Freelance developers do not have to pay for things like workplace bonuses, resources, and finances, among other things, while full-time and offshore developers have to.
  • Accountability: Accountability of in-house and offshore developers comes in handy when you have to research a lot about freelancers before hiring them.
  • Control: Since in-house developers are part of a team, it’s apparent that they will have far more control over offshore and freelance developers.
  • Location: When making a hiring decision, the location of the developer also matters. While you can meet almost daily with the in-house developer, offshore developers will be sitting miles away from you.

7. Time Needed For Project Completion

When determining the project’s cost, time is also important. It will also help calculate payments at various stages of development. 

You can also use this information to determine if you should hire hourly developers or those that operate on a contract basis for a predetermined price. 

To put that in perspective, imagine you’re looking for a developer to create social networking apps; the process could take several months.

Keep in mind that hiring a professional PHP development team may increase the overall cost of your project. Delivering browser compatibility updates, version upgrades, and security fixes are well worth the expense.

How To Find A Good PHP Developer Or Company For Your Upcoming Project?

Hiring a PHP developer in a developing country isn’t necessarily a rip-off, but it may be if done incorrectly. 

Choosing a company as a whole is the most popular method of hiring development solutions.

You will receive numerous app development profiles at once if you do this. You can also shortlist alternative CVs and schedule interviews with potential development candidates.

Aside from that, you can get help from appropriate development websites, particularly those that connect job searchers and recruiters simultaneously. 

These career development websites provide a win-win situation by allowing job seekers to publish entire portfolios and references for recruiters to review.

What Requirements To Check Before Hiring The PHP Developer?

Reviewing all the specifications before settling on a PHP developer for your website is essential. 

Some of them are:

  • In-depth understanding of the PHP language
  • Have practical expertise with well-known frameworks like Laravel and Symfony
  • Good HTML and CSS front-end abilities are required.
  • Working knowledge of SQL and MySQL databases
  • Understanding of JavaScript.
  • Well-versed in the principles of object-oriented programming techniques and dealing with control systems such as SVG/Git.
  • Meet deadlines on time.
  • Strong communication skills.

PHP Developer Cost | PHP Developer Hourly Rate | Offshore PHP Developer Rate

Finally, we reach the crux of the matter: PHP developer cost.

We are considering all the factors that determine the project’s requirements to estimate how much it would cost to hire a PHP developer

According to Indeed, PHP developers earn an average of $84,696 annually.

According to Payscale, PHP developers are paid differently based on their skills:

Developers Rates
Junior Developers $50k
Middle Developers $60K – $70K
Senior Developer $80K


Average hourly rates

Developers Rates
Junior Developers $20
Middle Developers $30
Senior Developer $40-$50


Developments are evaluated based on skills like PHP, JavaScript, MYSQL, and HTML/jQuery.

With each additional skill, there is a corresponding pay increase:

Skillset Cost
Drupal +10%
Magento +3%
ASP +3%
AngularJS +3%
Symphony +3%
.NET +3%
ColdFusion +3%
Ajax +3%


PHP Outsourced Developer Rates

A global survey of more than 5,000 freelance/outsourced PHP developers found that the average hourly rate is $61/hour. 

Based on the developer’s location, hourly costs for development might range from $120/hr to $41/hour.

PHP Offshore Developer Company Rates

As much as 59% of the world’s largest corporations use offshore programmers to cut expenses. 

Moreover, offshore developers can help you save anywhere from 40% to 70% of your total costs.

While in the United States, an hourly fee of $65–$130 for a senior developer is typical, the pricing is closer to $30–$60 in Ukraine. 

A developer’s hourly rate in Latin America ranges from $35 to $70; in Eastern Europe, the rate is $30–65; in Asia and Africa, the typical rate is $20–45.

Indian Developer Hourly Rates

You should expect to pay between $19 and $40 an hour for an Indian developer to work on your project. 

Corporations worldwide choose India as a preferred location for outsourcing their work. 

The cost of hiring Indian developers can vary greatly depending on the amount of skill you’re seeking.

Is Hiring A PHP Developer After Knowing The Cost Worth It?

The short answer is it depends on your needs.

However, we would recommend hiring a reputable and well-known offshore PHP developer.

It will be your best bet if you’re seeking top-tier PHP development services, mainly custom PHP development services.


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