How to Hire iOS App Developers?

How to Hire iOS App Developers - Hire Indian Programmers

There are only two major platforms for mobile app development: iOS and Android so far. As a result, mobile OS market share is held mainly by these two operating systems, and Android owns a significant portion of that. 

Then why is it so essential to develop an iOS app? The thing is, developers and businesses can’t ignore the remaining users simply because they represent a vital army of customers. Other than that, iOS has a higher profit margin even though its market share is smaller.

According to a report published by Statista, Apple paid more than $200 billion to iOS developers. Another report by sensor tower showed that iOS consumers spend 80% more than Android users. The same report showed that such a spending pattern by iOS users has led to revenue of $41.5 billion for Apple. The reason for such success is the company’s minimalistic approach and simplicity in development.

The above statistics are helpful to understand the demand for iOS applications. But when you want to build any iOS apps then first a common and important question must come to your mind that is how to hire iOS developers? or what processes or places are right to find them.

A superbly loyal and devoted audience exists for the iOS platform. All of the company’s digital products are actively used by customers who are willing to buy them. There is, therefore, a long-term future for iOS development, and demand for iOS developers is on the rise.

But before hiring a developer for iOS, you should go through this brief guide and understand the crucial points on different ways to hire iOS developers.

Who is an iOS Developer?  

Developers explicitly dedicated to building and supporting iOS applications are called iOS developers. These developers work at Apple or Apple to develop software for iOS, just as Android app developers do for Android. 

App developers work with Apple’s iOS operating system to create apps for Apple devices. The platform requires developers to use Swift or Objective-C in order to develop apps. In addition to having a solid grasp of both languages, they should develop iOS apps which surpass industry standards. Further, the developer needs to have a firm understanding of iOS patterns and practices.

Furthermore, they should also know about creating customized applications for iPad, Apple TV, and Apple Watch. To build and maintain consumer-friendly applications, developers can either work independently or for companies that hire them.

Why Do You Want to Hire an iOS Developer?

Hiring iOS developers is beneficial for your business as you can design, develop, maintain, and upgrade iOS applications compatible with other iOS devices like iPads, iPhones, and iPods. However, the roles and responsibilities of iOS developers entirely depend upon the different frameworks, programming languages, and concepts used in your organization to develop an application. 

iOS developers also help upgrade the performance of your apps by debugging them and collecting user feedback to ensure they meet specifications. Then, as new features are added to the code, they update it at intervals without compromising quality. 

What Kind of iOS Developer Do You Need?  

A particular set of criteria are always demanded of an iOS app developer when hiring one. Each iOS developer is hired based on the qualifications they possess. These developers are different from each other depending on their experience, skills, and roles.

As a developer works on more diverse and complex projects, they are capable of solving complex problems. As a result, programmers tend to be categorized into three levels according to their skill sets: junior, middle, and senior. This can be one of the ways to hire iOS developers.

1. Junior Level 

These developers are just beginning with their job as iOS app developers. They generally have experience working for 8-10 months as an iOS app developer. They have the basic knowledge of app development and the underlying code. 

Per the tasks they are assigned, they must supervise and monitor. Generally, developers are better at handling tasks that involve less risk and complications. However, as newcomers to the field, they also don’t have many working tools. Therefore, the best way for junior developers to improve their knowledge and skills is to work with more experienced colleagues.

2. Mid Level

Middle-level developers can handle small and significant issues with iOS systems and have about a half or two years of experience. In addition, since they have been working long in this field, they know the internal features and have the tools to work with. 

Middle-level developers typically work under the direction of a senior developer. As far as iOS app development is concerned, mid-level developers handle almost every project-related.

Since they have experience working on several projects, they have more freedom to work on projects as they wish.

3. Senior Level

Developing iOS applications has been an active part of the iOS development community for many years. Senior iOS developers typically have a few years of work experience. 

Senior developers need to have a clear understanding of multiple programming languages. Senior iOS developers have produced dozens of apps.

In addition to coding and designing an app, such developers also integrate APIs, test iOS testing frameworks, and handle security issues. Moreover, they must be able to manage software issues and issues related to software.

How to Hire iOS App Developers? 

It is common for some to be confused about how to hire iOS developers when hiring a good iOS developer. With options like outsourcing and freelancing, it is understandable. Outsourcing offers organizations the chance to hire the best iOS app developers from the pool worldwide. 

However, working with a team of in-house professionals can be more flexible and easier to manage. In addition, you’ll have an easier time communicating since time zone differences won’t be an issue. 

So, how will you decide which option to go for and when? To avoid confusion, we have mentioned when to choose a specific option and its pros and cons.

1. Freelancer iOS App Developers

You can find good iOS freelancers on multiple online job search portals such as GitHub and Upwork. It is a form of outsourcing where the developer is in constant touch with you and works remotely. They generally prefer the online mode of communication for any queries related to the project development. This option is best suited when your requirement is not complex and you are also running on a tight budget.


  • You can find developers who have unique (rare) expertise and experience
  • Global talent pools allow you to hire the best iOS developers without regional limitations
  • The costs of freelance workers are lower than those of in-house employees and outsourced teams, and no office equipment is required to host freelancers
  • When paying a freelancer on an hourly basis, you don’t need to pay them if the freelancer isn’t needed for a while


  • Having difficulties communicating with employees and freelancers could lead to technical misunderstandings 
  • Cultural, linguistic, and geographical barriers 
  • Freelancer iOS developers may work on other tasks during the time they report spending on your tasks
  • Project security comes with an element of risk as well

2. In-house Team of iOS App Developers

If your requirement is a bit complex and you are not on a tight budget, you can hire iOS programmers as full-time employees as part of your internal team. However, to increase department efficiency, you have to provide them with a full-time salary (or partial salary, if your company has a part-time agreement), a workspace at the office, track their progress, and you can use them for multiple projects at once. 


  • These developers study a product extensively as expertise and provide support after a release.
  • It is easy for employees and departments to communicate with each other and ensure everything is on track.
  • Practical experience can easily be transferred from Seniors to Juniors within the company.
  • These developers work solely on your project and pay full attention to your deliverables during their working days.


  • There must still be a salary burden even if you do not have enough work for them.
  • It is a hassle to hire and retain employees while training new employees is a lengthy process.
  • Expenses not covered by the primary budget – legal costs, taxes, office rental, hardware purchases
  • It is your responsibility to pay contractors during vacations, sick leave, and some self-development expenses.

3. Dedicated iOS App Development Company

Outsourcing your iOS app development to a highly experienced development company means outsourcing the responsibility of creating custom designs, developing the tech stack, providing support, and ensuring quality control.

You don’t have to distribute the tasks, track their productivity, or organize numerous meetings. Instead, you submit your specifications to the highly experienced development company, chat with them about your goals and expectations, set a deadline, and get the final product.


  • Unlike a local iOS developer, the contract is direct with the development vendor, so no legal assistance is required
  • Save lots of operational costs because you do not manage the project directly 
  • When you don’t like an iOS developer, you can replace them quickly, so the team can grow (or shrink) at any time. 
  • Because outsourcing companies regularly maintain a large pool of specialists eager to take on a new contract, you can find a whole team very quickly


  • There is still some chance that you will encounter deadlines and quality issues, even if you pick a credible company
  • Development outsourcing to offshore locations creates communication problems due to time zones, cultures, and languages
  • These types of projects require more detailed documentation and development schedules, which are less flexible

Key Factors and Skills to Check When Hiring an iOS Developer

Before you go on hiring developers for your business needs, specific skills are prerequisites. We have divided these iOS developer skills into two different parts.

1. Hard skills

These are the skills that an individual needs to complete the coding task given. These skills include:

  • Experience 

You need experienced hands when you need a new developer. As a developer’s experience increases, the scope and complexity of their work increases, the more senior they become. What tasks a candidate has to perform determines the type of candidate we choose for a job. 

Generally, there are three different levels of the developer: junior, middle, and senior-level developer. It is best to hire an experienced developer based on your requirements and the complexity involved in the project.

  • Portfolio

The portfolio of the developer is another crucial factor. It provides an overview of the developer’s skills and experience. Additionally, a similarity check will tell you if the candidate has worked with similar applications in the past. 

To see if they have developed similar applications check their website or apps. So you can assess both their general and detailed skills. To get feedback from the clients directly, you can ask for a list of them.

  • Hands-on expertise

Working on several projects is essential to becoming an iOS developer. They should have hands-on experience to work on a project without any supervision and deliver good quality results.

This is an essential criterion because if they had worked on similar projects, it would be easy for them to understand the requirements, issues involved and will be able to solve the problem at a fast pace.

  • Technical Knowledge

All iOS applications are built using Swift, which Apple owns and has owned for a long time. The Swift programming language is object-oriented and offers several functionalities, including control flow, error handling, and classes.

One of the essential skills for an iOS app developer is to have a solid command of the Swift programming language 3.0, and they must know all its capabilities.

2. Soft Skills

To function effectively as a team member, an iOS developer must have the following skills. 

  • Critical thinking

The development of any iOS app needs to be planned and carefully thought out for every step. A developer’s decisions should be well analyzed whenever he develops an application, as it is an extensive, complicated process that involves numerous steps. 

Developers must have critical thinking skills. Otherwise, they may have trouble thinking, planning, and solving any problems.

  • Determination

It can be challenging to code.  If you are a novice developer or expert, there’s always a chance you will have to rewrite or edit the same code multiple times. Therefore developers need to be determined and should not lose courage over a simple learning experience. 

If they fail their first attempt, they should learn from their mistakes and be patient and persistent in overcoming the challenge.

  • Spatial reasoning

App development heavily relies on spatial reasoning. A user-centric design involves considering the app from the point of view of the user. If you want the end-user to feel great about the app and satisfied, you must think outside the box.

When designing an interface, considering the user’s perspective will add features and make the interface more accessible, comprehensive, and valuable. 

  • Good Communication 

Communication is a skill that’s pretty common among all professions – not just developers. Good iOS developers must communicate effectively in both verbal and written form to function effectively within a team. 

Negotiating is another vital skill that a developer must-have. In addition, good communication skills will be beneficial when discussing solutions and exchanging knowledge and experiences with colleagues and management.

Scoping out and selecting iOS developers using a set of criteria

Now that you know about the skills to look for in an iOS developer, it’s time to choose the best. A mobile app developer who knows their stuff is someone you ought to hire. You need to verify the experience of your candidate, and you can do so by:

1. Reviewing CVs

After reviewing their CVs, see if the candidate is experienced in a similar field based on their CV? And is the developer a ‘jack of all trades or a specialist in this field?

2. Interview Calls

After the selection of specific CVs, now it’s time to make the interview call. It is best to ask for examples of past work from candidates to evaluate their skills. If you’re lucky, you might find a candidate who can provide links to real apps they’ve built from within Apple’s app stores.

Irrespective of whether a candidate provides such links, we suggest that you discuss the specifics of the development projects the candidate participated in – what exactly did they do? For example, while the project or app was in the concept phase, did the developer add some creative input?

It’s essential to move them on to the next step, the screening process, evaluating their programming skills, to accurately assess the developer’s skill, talent, and personality.

3. Screening Process

Candidates saying they’re capable of coding is one thing, but do they have the skills? Are they adept at coding? Using a technical test is a great way to differentiate between individuals who can talk and others who walk the talk. 

You’ll get a deeper understanding of an applicant’s skills and ability with iOS coding tests. And based on your requirement, you can also ask them some technical questions related to the project and see how they answer. 

With all the information you have in hand, you are prepared to evaluate every candidate you consider. Once you have determined who will be on the final shortlist, it is time to send out job offers to the selected candidates.

FAQs on Hiring iOS App Developers

1. What are the qualities of top iOS app development companies?

The qualities that an iOS developer must have are:

  • Cross-platform development knowledge
  • Necessary UI/UX skillset
  • Good portfolio
  • Good after-product services
  • Good quality and timely delivery

2. What are the charges for hiring iOS app developers?

Depending on how much experience an iOS developer has, the cost will vary. For example, a Silicon Valley’s experienced developer’s prices generally range from $75 to $250/hr. But developers in India typically charge between $25 to $100.

3. From where can I hire an iOS app developer?

You can hire an excellent experienced iOS app developer at Hire Indian Programmers They offer freelance developers, and dedicated developers, and if you want, you can also hire an entire team.

4. How much experience should the developer have?

It generally depends on your requirements. But to be an above-average developer, they should have experience of more than 1.5 years.

5. How can I check the iOS app developer’s authenticity?

You can check their authenticity by having a thorough look at their work portfolio. Also, you can ask your potential developer about their experience and questions related to the domain. Last but not least, if possible, you can also connect with their previous clients and have feedback about their work.

6. What skills are required for an iOS developer?

Skills required for an iOS app developer are:

  1. Knowledge of Swift 3.0 coding language
  2. Good communication skills
  3. Understanding of Apple Xcode IDE
  4. UI/UX design experience

Hiring iOS App Developers: Worth it or Not?

This article aims to offer you information that will assist you on how to hire iOS developers who meet your requirements. 

When hiring an iOS developer, you must clearly state the level of proficiency you are looking for and the qualifications, experience, and requirements. Last but not least, do not be reluctant to determine the basic skill set of potential iOS developers, including their soft and hard skills, their portfolio, and references.

You should visit the appropriate sites after you have completed all this and make your choice wisely. Hiring an iOS developer from Hire Indian Programmers is also possible if you don’t want to waste time interviewing candidates and looking for talent.

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