Enhancing UX with Weatherstacks API

Weatherstacks is a popular Application Program Interface that is used by many clients and businesses, especially those selling weather relevant products or hosting weather oriented events like marathons, bicycle riding events. In recent times, the market is flooded with events and experiences and people have very much taken to the idea of hosting or accessing such events online. This includes but is not limited to booking tickets and making reservations. In such business cases, weather plays an important role and it makes absolute sense to inform the customers of the current weather conditions wherever such events are happening. Not only events, even weather related products like smart bands and sunscreens can make use of Weatherstacks. As proclaimed by the software itself, Weatherstacks is a real-time and historical world weather data API that is endorsed by more than 75000 companies including the likes of Microsoft, Deloitte etc.


Elevated UX

Clients in the event management business looking to hire a dedicated php developer can deliberate on deploying Weatherstacks API on their websites. The basic idea is that clients tailor their offerings based on the seasons. In fact, that makes for a subtle and smart user experience – knowing the customer needs as per the current season – thereby increasing the end sales indirectly. In this respect, automation is the way to go as envisioned by Weatherstacks, especially if the client is catering to multiple geographies. With the API providing forecast data up to 14 days, clients can confidently and smartly do business under any weather.

Here’s a scenario to better understand about the usefulness of tweaking products according to season. Imagine a client handling a food delivery app with operations in multiple cities. Many cities mean different weather conditions – temperature, humidity and precipitation. With the help of Weatherstacks API forecast data, clients can display different food cravings as per the weather in that particular city. Even within a city, where weather conditions are likely to change in short intervals, businesses can display either ice-creams or hot spicy noodles or pastries. In the process, the client is successfully pulling in more customers for the long term.


Why Weatherstack?

The API sources data from some of the world’s largest weather stations which shows that its credibility is unquestionable. In addition to that, having access up to 14 days of weather data is a boon for companies looking to hire a php developer to build upon it subsequently, in their efforts to attract more customers, retain existing ones and expand the scope of the business. In fact, we are confident that clients can get more ideas as soon as they start noticing the changes in customer buying patterns and trends. What’s more? Weatherstacks also gives clients the option to start free and later on upgrade, no questions asked. Having weather data of thousands of locations with the capability of providing real time feed round the clock, powered by state of the art cloud infrastructure, Weatherstacks is an easy recommend for those clients looking to monetise their business innovatively.

Having gone through this blogpost, what do you think about Weatherstacks? Impressed? Not impressed? Leave us your thoughts in the comments section.

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