Are WordPress Developers In Demand?

WordPress Developer Demand

WordPress is getting more popular every year. It is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) for building websites from small blogs to big magazines, business sites, and more.

The platform has become a go-to website and blog development platform for many individuals, businesses, and large-scale organizations. There are many benefits to using WordPress. 

In this blog, we’ll look at the questions about the demand of WordPress Developers and the reasons for them.


Is WordPress Getting Popular Enough To Stay Relevant?

WordPress has been powering over 40% of the web for several years now, and its community keeps growing. In fact, it’s now an enterprise-level platform (companies like the New York Times, Microsoft, and Facebook use them). This means that WordPress has become a system top businesses rely on to run their websites.

There are some concerns about whether WordPress will continue to be relevant as we move toward a more mobile-friendly web landscape.

WordPress is an open-source framework, meaning that anyone interested in its development can contribute back to the community. It also means that it’s constantly evolving and getting better with every update.

This issue of relevance is highly debatable in the web development community for those who specialize in building and managing WordPress sites. They argue that WordPress is still relevant and here to stay because:

  • There’s still room for growth.
  • People are increasingly developing on the WordPress platform, which keeps it relevant. 
  • Other CMS platforms like Drupal are not as big as they seem.


6 Top Reasons For Growing Popularity Of WordPress Developers

There are several reasons why you might want to hire WordPress developers when building your website. Let’s look at what they are and whether or not you can benefit from them:

 1. The WordPress Community Is Growing

The WordPress community is growing in popularity and size. In fact, according to a report by W3Techs, WordPress holds a 58% share among 300+ content management systems (CMS) available worldwide. And that number continues to grow: WordPress powers over 74 million sites and has translated into more than 70 languages.

WordPress is used for various purposes, including e-commerce sites (eBay), blogs (The Huffington Post), and even large media companies such as The New York Times and Reuters.


 2. WordPress Has Become An Enterprise-Level Platform

WordPress has become an enterprise-level platform used by some of the biggest companies globally, including Microsoft, Cisco, and Oracle. In fact, WordPress powers more than 100,000 enterprise websites.

The enterprise edition of WordPress keeps on updating more frequently than any other version. This makes it a great choice for businesses that want to stay on top of their updates and security needs.


 3. Customized Websites Built On WordPress Are Lightweight And SEO-Friendly

Web developers know that the two most important factors in ranking your website on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs) are load time and user experience. While many tools help optimize load times for websites, one way to improve both is to use a content management system (CMS).

Millions of people worldwide to build their websites, blogs, and online stores. Many companies also use it to create custom solutions because it’s free and easy to use. You don’t need any programming knowledge to start building.

The reason why it’s so lightweight stems from its open-source nature: anyone can contribute code or make changes without having any financial stake in the product itself. This means developers who want to improve upon what they see don’t have to pay anything upfront fees before making those changes – an important factor when considering cost savings versus return on investment (ROI).


 4. WordPress Offers Huge Scope For Customization

WordPress offers huge scope for customization like no other CMS platform. You can add custom functionality, design elements, and even SEO features to your site. And it gets better: the whole world of WordPress plugins will make it easy for you to do any of these things.

For example, if you want to add custom analytics tracking code to your website, plenty of plugins are available (such as Google Analytics by MonsterInsights). Similarly, if you want a fancy search bar on top of your blog posts or pages, just like in Medium or Google search, several free plugins will help you achieve this goal easily without requiring much effort from your side.


 5. Thousands Of Plug-Ins For Customizing A Site Are A Big Benefit

One of the best features of WordPress is that it has an extensive library of plugins. Plugins allow you to customize your site to meet your specific needs. Some of the most popular WordPress plugins include:

  • Akismet—a spam blocker
  • All in One SEO Pack—an SEO plugin that helps improve your website’s search engine ranking

Plugins can be free or paid but are very easy to install and use. Plus, developers are constantly updating them, so there’s always something new for you to try out.


 6. There’s No Risk Of Getting Locked Into Your Content Management System

One of the most important reasons WordPress is so popular is that you can export your site. If you decide to move to a different CMS, or if you want to migrate your content management system to another host, everything will be ready for use on another platform. You also have the freedom of using your domain name because WordPress will work with any server that supports PHP and MySQL.

WordPress has become one of the most highly recommended platforms for those new to creating websites, and it’s not just for beginners. There’s no risk of getting locked into your content management system for years – instead, it’s easy for anyone who wants it to change things when needed.


5 Skills you should for look in the developer

To determine if WordPress development is in high demand, we need to look at some critical skill sets that WordPress developers must possess. These include:

 1. Knowledge Of The WordPress Platform

A WordPress developer should be familiar with the basic functionality of the platform. They should know how to use it for creating websites and blogs and understand how it works behind the scenes.

WordPress developers need to know the difference between a blog and a website and decide whether your project will be one or both. They’ll work with clients who want their site up immediately on launch day if they’re building a website. Blogging platforms can automatically publish new posts as they are ready; this feature isn’t available on many websites until they’re finished (though it’s possible).


 2. HTML5 and CSS3

HTML5 is the new standard for creating websites, and CSS3 is the new standard for styling and formatting websites. These are the essential skills to know as a WordPress developer.


 3. JavaScript and jQuery

JavaScript is the programming language of HTML and the web. Developers use it to create interactive and dynamic websites responsive to user input.

The jQuery library is a JavaScript library, its design makes coding easier for web developers. It simplifies how one can use JavaScript on your website by providing a simpler syntax for writing code that performs tasks such as manipulating elements within an HTML document or animating them onscreen.


 4. PHP and MySQL

PHP is the most widely used server-side scripting language. It’s an open-source, cross-platform programming language that enables developers to write dynamic web pages. 

  • PHP and MySQL are used together for server-side web development.
  • PHP and MySQL are often referred to as LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySql, and PHP) or MAMP (Mac OS X) stack.

 5. WordPress Theme Development – The Basics

The core of WordPress is simply an application framework that allows developers to build websites or applications on top of it. It comes with several ready-made themes, but if you want to go further and customize your site’s design and layout, developers will need to learn how to create a custom WordPress theme.

Since its initial release in 2003, thousands of free themes are released by individuals and companies alike. Many people use these freebie themes because they’re not interested in learning how to code HTML or CSS but want their site to look good without spending any money upfront (or even later). But if you’re hiring a developer, it’s crucial to hire one having the skills to produce quality websites. 


Hire WordPress Developers And Watch Your Business Reach New Heights

WordPress developers are still in demand because WordPress is your best bet if you need high-customizable, easy-to-use websites. A WordPress developer can take your business to the next level and start capitalizing on your website’s potential for increased revenue and more growth. 

When you’re looking at the range of options available to you, WordPress developers from a service-based company can be a great way to go, especially if you’re looking to save money on your investment.

We have a team of experts at your disposal—the project manager coordinating with the developer on the ground and interfacing with you on behalf of both. This can make a big difference in ensuring that you meet your vision.

Our professionals can help you set up a variety of plugins and customize your site to include everything you need—and nothing that you don’t. They can build search engine optimization functionality into your site to rank well in Google searches. They can even help you find ways to monetize the website by making it a hub for e-commerce or blogging.

Our skilled professionals are well-trained in the latest technologies and provide a wide range of services to help your business gain traction and thrive.

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