WordPress Events Manager for BuddyPress

Normally working Events manager for buddypress plugin on WordPress. Event manager allows buddypress users to manage their events. Buddypress user can create group events and manage them.

Both plugin installed Basically they working create new event show on public view. Anyone can join that event and manage them from backend. But our client asked some additional features to we customized Events manager & Buddypress plugins.

Additional features are,

– Edit these plugins to allow events to be created also for invited users only
– The invitations could be added when a new event is created or after the event be created
– When event is a group event (and only for this kind of events), create a new option where user can chose if wants the group members to be notified by email when the event is created. If yes, send an email for all group members.
– User can accept (or something where users can go and confirm I will be on event” or deny.
– A simple report where user owner of the event could see who accepts or denies the event (and who didn’t answered)

We successfully customized above features from Events manager and Buddypress plugins in the WordPress.

Hire WordPress Developers for $10 per hour. If you have any queries or need any additional information please feel to call or us add us to your Skype now.

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