Which one is the best – Native VS React Native Mobile App Development?

Which one is the best – Native VS React Native Mobile App Development?

Do you have an idea to create a mobile application? Normally business people are provided with two choices such as Native and React Native Mobile app development. In this article, you will get an idea about the Native and React Native platforms. Mobile App Development India helps to create a highly unique Application for your business.

The native platform is nothing but a specific tool like Android studio. In Native platform, the developers make use of the tool and create a mobile application. Whereas React Native is an open source platform which is developed by Facebook.

Programming Concern

If you are a well-experienced developer then you may agree that programming in React Native platforms is easy compared to other platforms. In React Native platform the time for developing the mobile app is less.

Integrating Functionality

If you develop an application in Native platform then you can get full support from API and third-party library. One of the disadvantages of React Native is, this will not support API’s.

Native is the best option for those want to create an advanced app with IOT features. React Native is the best option to create a community application.

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