Web Application – Susceptible and anticipation (Cont.)

Broken Authentication and Session Management

You should implement the various web application functions associated with authentication and session management carefully. If you do any mistakes in authentication functions then you can lose confidential information of the users such as passwords, keys and so on. This kind of attack may also affect the reputation of the company. Hire PHP Developer to validate and prevent your application from attacks.

Preventive Measures

To prevent your application from these kinds of vulnerabilities the developer should do the following actions

  • Implement the single authentication instead of using multiple authentication methods.
  • Expire the session early by using the session timeout protocol.
  • Before login, your system should double check the passwords of the users.

Security Misconfiguration:

You can ensure the security of the web application by having the security configuration for the application, server and so on. If there is any improper security configuration present in your site it may lead to your app becoming insecure.

Preventive Measures

  • You can use a unique password for different environments such as development, production and so on.
  • Perform a periodical audit to detect the misconfigurations in your site.

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