Things to do prior to launching your mobile app

Smartphone usage has increased massively in the last decade such that people are more likely to achieve just about anything with the help of their mobiles. Therefore, having a mobile app for your business can be very rewarding if done the right way. But before heading out to develop one, it is important to take a moment and consider website optimisation.

HireIndianProgrammers being in the mobile app development services space in India for quite some time, our developers understand the significance of a flawless website experience. You must do everything you can to make your customers, old and new to stay for a longer time, leading to higher signup conversions. In this blogpost, we shall provide insights into how you can best fix to website before launching your mobile app.

We are going to look at improving two aspects that are integral for a user’s satisfaction while browsing through your site namely loading time (Speed) and ease of use (User Interface).


Image Compression

Having a lot of visuals can take a toll on the loading time of your site. Agreed, they are crucial for user engagement but surely not at the cost of sluggishness. Fret not, for there are a number of tools to handle image optimisation such as ImageFlow, Cloudinaryetc;


Keep your website simple

The last thing that users want is to search for simple things while going through your cluttered website. Keep it simple and easy on the eyes. Follow a lean structure – this can be achieved if you take a moment and analyse the typical in-website operations by your customers.

In addition to a standard homepage and categories, having a dedicated section of FAQs will prove to be beneficial.


Eliminate Bad Links

No one likes to click on a link and find themselves in a dead end. This is true even for redirected links too. Moreover, this will multiply the irritant factor in case of mobile devices. Using tools like Broken Link Checker will solve the same.



There are a wide range of plugins for a variety of purposes and while they are very useful, having too many of them running at the same time can take a hit on your website speed.

Decide on the essential plugins that is actually required. Try clubbing plugins with an all-in-one solution. Our android developers recommend to restrict it to within 10 depending on your host.


Design Content Meticulously

Yes, this is true and assumes much more significance if you want your mobile app to stand out. Clear out anything that seek to create distractions. Removing excess content and replacing them instead with short videos will reward you more. People tend to find it easier to watch a video than going through a large content.


All things Minified

Our iOS developers refer to the process of minification which removes the redundant data in your website without affecting the speed and user experience.

For instance, plugins like Autoptimise removes the unnecessary Javascript code, line breaks etc thereby effectively removing the website content. Also, it would serve you well to remove any unwanted special effects, sidebars and the like.


Compress your Text

If your website is one that relies heavily on text, then text compression can boost your website speed immensely. You can achieve this with multiple tools like Gzip or plugins like WP Rocket.


Pay Attention to Slider Images

This is a pretty common issue faced by most users while browsing. Sliders or banners with multiple images tend to bring down the speed by a notch. They readily present an image of sluggishness and turn off interested customers. So keep it to a minimum.


Revisit your Javascript

Large codes of javascript can considerably slow down your website, especially in mobiles. Codesplitting can be implemented using tools such as Parcel, which breaks the javascript bundles, achieving faster deliveries as and when the user needs it.


Do a test

All said and done, wouldn’t it be more satisfying if you had some tools for testing our website? This would enable you to see where you are going wrong and address the same.

Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool is a popular tool that measures your page loading speed – both in the web and mobile. What’s more? It also gives suggestions on areas to improve.

With that, we come to the end of this post. You can now hire a programmer from our company (HireIndianProgrammers) for all your website conundrums.

For more queries, contact us here.

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