Reasons Why Page-Builders Can Be Very Effective

Programmers providing WordPress development services for a long time, akin to our developer team at HireIndianProgrammers, will most likely be familiar with page builders. Since the past decade, several page building tools have emerged, some of which we may have even used in our WordPress development projects. A number of offshore clients hire our WordPress developers to implement projects. With that experience, we have found many downsides to using page builders. Many of them are poorly programmed, relying on WordPress short-codes. In addition to that, our WordPress developers were able to use these page builders only when the plugin was activated.

Yet another issue is the misconception that page builder removes the need to hire a dedicated WordPress programmer which is simply not true. However, with the arrival of the Gutenberg editor, we have found possible plausible reasons to continue using page builders after all. In this blogpost, our developer team seek to explain the same.


When Flexibility Matters

Over the years, the definition with regard to how a website must function and how its layout must look. New gen client companies that hire a dedicated WordPress developer have varied expectations. As a result, more complex web designs are emerging using a plethora of animation and other effects and layouts. Wherever there is a demand for complexity in the WordPress development design elements, developers can make use of page builders. At the same time, WordPress developers will do well to exercise caution in using page builders for there might arise the possibility of breakage.

When Time is of Essence

Differentiation and meeting deadlines is of the order. Often, this has been the case when some of our clients hire our WordPress developers to build sites or a part of it in a short span of time. In such scenarios where time is of the highest order, it makes sense for WordPress developers to use page builders. The launch of Gutenberg has brought a new dimension to the WordPress development domain. We agree that there might be both pros and cons but it certainly fits the job of developing something in a short duration. What’s more? There is also a dedicated development team that is always working to improve Gutenberg.

Ultimately, it boils down to this. Depending on the kind of projects that client companies hire dedicated WordPress programmers for,it has to be decided accordingly. Page builders should be treated as alternatives and not replacement for professional WordPress programmers.

Looking to hire any dedicated WordPress developers to develop your business website from scratch?

Look no further, our developers have been at HireIndianProgrammers for long, well versed with the length and breadth of WordPress development and have worked in several development projects at various stages of the development cycle.

More Resources about WordPress Blogs:

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