PHP Trends To Dominate In 2022: Top Frameworks For Web Development

Top PHP Trending Frameworks - Hire Indian Programmers

Wondering which PHP trends to dominate in 2022? If so, then you’re in the right place. Read on to explore all the latest PHP trends.

At first, PHP System was known as Personal Home Page and then as Hypertext Preprocessor. It is the world’s most common server-side programming language. Nearly 78.1% of websites use PHP, and most of the top PHP frameworks include Laravel, CodeIgniter, Symfony, CakePHP, Yii, Zend System, Phalcon, FuelPHP, etc.

This language has convenient MySQL, MS SQL, and Oracle compatibility. It is essential to figure out where PHP development is going in this ever-changing technological world, considering it one of the most common frameworks for web development.

Custom web application development is continuously growing. People love to have custom-coded websites. It can also be said that custom web development is not just growing, it is changing every year. People must be aware of these current web development trends for PHP. 

Let’s jump right in and find out the top PHP trending frameworks and how we develop this by hiring dedicated PHP developers.

Why Choose PHP?

The language of PHP programming lets you build complex, stable, and speedy web applications. There is a broad range of PHP frameworks to choose from, depending on your company needs, hosting plans, experience, app needs, and development timeframes.

PHP developers can build superior web apps and websites using PHP because it offers numerous features and benefits. Many big firms and companies such as Slack, Facebook, Wikipedia, Tumbler, etc. use PHP to develop their websites or other web applications.

But yes, it is very important to choose the best PHP website development company and developers for a scalable and robust business web solution. Let’s dive into the top benefits or advantages of using PHP for your website development projects.

1. User-friendly:

PHP is very easy to use. That’s why most developers prefer this framework for website or web application development. Even when simple, this programming language is well-organized, clear, and easy to learn because the command function of this language is simpler than many other languages.

2. Cost-Effective: 

This open-source scripting language is very cost-effective because it is free to download and easily available. Because of this free download feature, it is affordable for most small and medium scale businesses. The business owner doesn’t need to pay any fees for the license that can be used for this language.

3. Open-source platform:

This open-source server-side scripting language doesn’t require a license for utilizing this technology. It is available for free. The open-source feature of this language benefits the developers to use this technology to the fullest.

4. Better compatibility & data flexibility:

The next important benefit of choosing a PHP programming language for website development is that the codes of this language are compatible with the different platforms such as macOS, Windows, Linux, etc. 

The data flexibility feature of this language supports a wide range of servers such as Apache, Tornado, Netscape, etc., and different types of numerous databases like MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and many more.

What Are The Top PHP Web Development Trends In 2022?

If you are managing a team of PHP developers, then it is crucial to keep an eye on the latest PHP version dominating web development trends. If you are aware of the latest trends or technologies, then it will help you to improve the performance and quality of your business.

In this blog post, we will provide you with a list of the latest trends in PHP web development. Let’s start:

  • Single Page Applications (SPA)
  • User Interface Trends
  • Cloud Integration & IoT technology
  • Improved Cybersecurity
  • Smart Chatbots & mobile wallet
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
  • Combination of Java and PHP
  • PHP web development frameworks trend

These are the dominant trends for PHP but the PHP framework trend is the most important to learn and put to use.

PHP is a very popular technology and it has lucrative advantages or benefits because of the availability of various frameworks.  

Trends in web frameworks for PHP development in 2022:

After a quick investigation and discussion with our PHP experts, we have discovered that there is a particular pattern being pursued by developers when selecting PHP frameworks. So, with the convenience of development and many advantages, it provides, a list of trending PHP frameworks of 2022. So, let’s have a look at them:

1. Laravel Framework

Since it is very famous and the developers’ first choice, this is the only reason to put Laravel first. This all-inclusive framework helps to speed up app development by integrating it with MVC architecture. It has a large community of developers, so you will always find assistance when you are lost somewhere in the app’s development phase.

The ORM, RESTful controllers, the lightweight Blade template engine, unit tests, and large packaging systems are some of the highlights or functions that make Laravel so attractive. Our developers are using this framework as a server-side web service to interact with the Mobile application functionality.

Key features of Laravel

  • High-level framework with ORM support
  • Helps to create a unique template of web resources
  • Perfect MVC architecture with the database migration system
  • Perfect for complicated sites and structure development
  • Features including artisan system, libraries, and modules

2. Phalcon Framework

Phalcon is one of the other famous PHP frameworks since 2012, and highly trending in 2019 and is supposed to be one of the favored choices of developers in the future.

Again, Phalcon boasts a C-extension structure, meaning that this works at a great speed. Phalcon only uses a few resources compared to other frameworks, enabling developers to interact with systems with fewer tools and characteristics to manage HTTP requests promptly and efficiently. Phalcon has unique features such as ORM, caching, automated loading components, and MVC architecture.

Key features of Phalcon:

  • Easy to install with decent security level
  • A perfect tool for web application creation 
  • Asset management with high working speed and caching
  • Create optimization space by effectively using memory
  • Compiled loosely and allow the developers to create their directory structure

3. CodeIgniter

One of the preferred frameworks for fast application development. This lightweight frame is easy to use and has a tiny footprint that can be quickly submitted to your hosting without any issues. No special command-line arguments or commands need to be entered during installation, and no particular software installation is recommended. You are just required to upload the file and you are done. we hire Indian programmers who have been providing CodeIgniter service for the past decade.

Key features of Codeigniter:

  • Clean source code with a low number of bugs
  • High performance with simplified coding
  • The interface is simple and well-managed
  • MVC based system with XSS security & filtering
  • MIT license with form and data validation

4. Symfony

Symfony is in a trend for a while now and will be for years to come. It is one of the most preferred PHP frameworks. The highlights are detailed documentation, continuity, reliability, high quality, and modular project models.

Some prominent and large organizations, including the BBC, have used Symfony for its reliable and consistent nature. And Symfony also is used in open source projects like Drupal or eZpublish. The support of the community is immense and amazing. Their performance is outstanding. Due to its wide range of features, both REST APIs and other web apps can be developed.

Key features of Symphony:

  • This framework can be used by many services.
  • Helps to scale and expand your project’s early stage of functionality development
  • Integration simplification with JS framework
  • MVC based system provides the high-performance
  • The code of this framework is reusable and easy to maintain

5. CakePHP

It can be an ideal place to commence if you’re a beginner. This helps to create commercial web apps quickly and efficiently. Since it offers code and development ability, CakePHP makes all applications developed very rapidly and highly scalable, stable applications. It provides MVC conventions that will allow you to develop quickly. The several packages that come with it are handled and processed by all the standard functionalities.

Key features of CakePHP:

  • Flexible and scalable architecture
  • Easily manage complex projects with fewer difficulties
  • The installer is composer based 
  • Competent session management for speedy data processing
  • High performance with MVC architecture supported

6. Zend Framework

This is one of the ultimate frameworks commonly used to develop enterprise-level apps and ensures highly reliable performance. The Zend framework takes care of all aspects, such as efficiency, security, and extensibility, which is why it is one of PHP’s most recent trends. It is the best choice for mainly enterprise applications thanks to the various components that support authentication, form validation tools feed, etc.

While it’s commonly used to create enterprise-level apps, it might not be the best way to build fast apps. It offers the Zend Studio IDE to promote the work of a developer.

Key features of Zend Framework:

  • Data encryption, simple cloud API, and MVC components
  • Advanced session management features
  • Provides excellent scalability, productivity, and security
  • Well-structured framework with versatile code
  • A perfect tool to create complicated corporate software

7. Fuel PHP

This PHP framework is one of the newest and trendy. It’s an extensible, modular, and MVC PHP framework bringing HMVC architecture into the larger picture. The ORM support with a good authentication system, safety improvement, and template parsing is beneficial and lightweight. It is positively embraced by the community and continues to grow. It is entirely focused on artifacts. To download it, please visit Fuel PHP.

Key features of Fuel PHP

  • FuelPHP key features include a good code organization system
  • Great extensibility as compared to other PHP frameworks
  • Including security features such as CSRF protection, XSS and URI filtering
  • Good caching strategy and security, HMVC realization
  • Provide RESTful services, generate components, and debug code

8. Slim

Slim is another minimalist micro-framework. It includes a range of built-in standards, add-on capabilities, such as HTTP caching, URL management, and routing. This helps you to build the RESTful API as well as other applications.

Key features of Slim:

  • Understandable and straightforward framework
  • Very fast framework with a scanty code-base
  • Perfect for minor web applications with no dependencies on third-party
  • Client-side HTTP caching including URL routing, and session
  • Create simple and powerful web applications with cookie encryption

9. Phpixie

Phpixie is modular and lightweight and one of the new frameworks. It is easy to read and understand and can be learned quickly. It includes a variety of encryption, security, and MongoDB support tools. It enables the composer to share code.

Key features of Phpixie

  • Modern PHP framework with more adaptable features
  • Develop simple, flexible, secure enterprise application
  • Provide advanced security by using random tokens, secure hashes, and secure cookie handling
  • It supports a non-relational database system that is MongoDB
  • The key features include linear code flow

10. Fat-free

Fat-free is free of fats, as the name suggests. This is one of the PHP microframeworks and most popular and trending and includes a variety of packages. It provides functionality, including data validation, CSS compression, and unit testing. It supports both SQL and NoSQL databases that facilitate web application creation.

Key features of Fat-free

  • Include cache engine, URL router for better web development
  • Support for multilingual applications
  • It can extend its functionality by using several plugins
  • Easy to use micro framework for building robust and dynamic web applications
  • A fast and super lightweight codebase


That’s it. Now you understand the latest PHP web development trends for frameworks are continuing to develop and grow year by year. So, you can utilize these top trends for PHP web development and create the best web solutions for your business.

These are the latest PHP trending frameworks of 2022 to know and are supposed to continue in the next few years as per expert outlook and views. If you want to explore more about the latest trends for the top PHP web frameworks coming in the next year, you must talk to our in-house experts.

If you are looking to Hire Indian Programmers, or need Engineers for Custom Development or PHP Development for that matter, please get in touch with us. 

Read More PHP Blogs:

What Are The Responsibilities Of A PHP Developer?
Why Hiring Dedicated PHP Developers Is A Viable Choice In 2021
Why should you migrate your website to PHP?
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