Obsolete Web-designs That Developers Must Phase Out

Web developers who have been in this field for more than a decade, like us, would have undertaken several software projects for their clients across platforms. In the course of this period, they might have taken a liking to some design elements and used it extensively in these web development projects. It could have even gone on to become their trademark or touch with every project. However, as with most things in life, design elements can also become obsolete. It is therefore important for developers to remember that they need to constantly reinvent themselves with the passage of time. In this blogpost, we will look at some of the obsolete trends in web design that developers would do well to phase out.


Image Sliders

These were quite popular among many clients hire a programmer to develop their first business websites. Having the ability to convey more visually in a limited screen real estate was considered a big deal back then. However, clients run the danger of suffering from sluggish page load times and bounce rates. Image sliders can be heavy and tend to distract users from browsing the other parts of the site. Moreover, in this era of information clutter, it would augur well for clients to develop a clean website.


One of the major irritants of website browsing for users are pop-ups. While pop-ups can be effectively used on a need basis, they can turn out to be disastrous for clients depending on the reason, frequency and time of appearance. We have all come across that website that repeatedly sends pop-ups on every return visit and end up getting frustrated. Better to phase it out than face the destructive ‘wrath’ of users.

Flash Support

While Adobe has already stated that it would stop support for flash, some websites still continue to use it. It has certainly gone out of fashion in 2019, given its many flaws that includes ease of use. It makes little sense to insist on using them because that would leave a big void literally and figuratively.


By scrolling, we really refer to the non-traditional means of scrolling like horizontal scrolling for instance. While many forms of user navigation may have developed, especially in smart handheld devices, it hasn’t really translated the same way on the desktop. While non-traditional scrolling can help in getting attention, it doesn’t make up for ease of use. When it comes to the regular users, ease of use is all that matters, isn’t?

Media Auto-play

We have seen this across many media websites like blogs, news, magazines and forums. For the average user looking to consume meaningful content, nothing frustrates as much as this media suddenly playing out of nowhere automatically. Some even consider it as a violation of consent, dampening their browsing experience.

These are some of the top design trends that developers need to make an effort to phase out. There are more such design elements that are either obsolete or make for an unpleasant browsing experience such as using stock photos that really don’t make an impact, not optimising website for speed and so on.
At HireIndianProgrammers, we have made it our mission to continuously elevate our software development services for our clients.After all, web development is indeed a constantly changing landscape. For further queries in hiring our services, contact our developer team today.

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