The interactiveness of animation and the user will improve the user experience and helps to engage the customer with your site for a long time. If the site has “scroll-triggered animations” it helps to increase the number of visitors to your site. It is recommended to use simple animation so that the user can easily understand the concept. Using animation in mouse over is an effective way to showcase your services to the customers.
UX driven Horizontal Lines
In the past years the developers use horizontal and vertical lines to separate sections in the pages. But nowadays they use diagonal lines to separate each section. It gives good appearance to your website. If you use diagonal sections in your site then the number of users who scroll down the entire site will be increased. Hire Ruby Developers and Hire PHP Developer India from HireIndianProgrammers implements latest trends and grow your business.
Layers of Images
Stacked layers of images and colors in-depth to a simple site improve the look of the website. Visually the in-depth images and drop shadows behind the images increase the curiosity of the users to know more about your site and the products in your site.