Frontend Checklist for Smooth Performance of Web Applications

In this age of digital media, businesses’ mission to establish a solid image, pull in customers and retain them for a long period have become more challenging. Especially so, if your business is just starting, it is imperative you gain solid ground by signing up new customers. This is where the Frontend experience comes into the picture. It plays an important role in the background – enabling a smooth experience for first time customers without hiccups that includes but not limited to data loading, optimisation and Background processing. That calls for a robust frontend development from an expert programmer.

Now that we have realised the importance of a good frontend experience, let us look into some of the items in the Frontend checklist to ensure a smooth performance of web applications. That includes mobile experiences also.

A Clean Document

A critical aspect of frontend development is loading speed. No one wants to wait for a sluggish site to proceed to the next page. For that, you need to write your HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) code in a concise way. Referencing other resources within our HTML doc also matters. For instance, rather than placing CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) at the bottom, it is recommended to place it at the top to ensure a clean rendering. The same goes for the placement of Javascript. What it effectively does is saying goodbye to impatient visitors leaving the website after waiting in a blank page.

Minimal Click Events

Remember, the lesser clicks you ask from the visitor, the better likely he will end up staying in the site. This translates to successful signup conversions. Adding excessive buttons will frustrate the customer and prove that you are quite demanding! Minimal click events also mean that you have to reduce invalid click scenarios.

An Intuitive UI

By designing a UI to be intuitive, you keep the customer at the top with all the buttons at his disposal. Such should be the ease of use that includes navigation too. It can be as simple as setting contrasting colors for navigation buttons to as complex as designing the webpage to optimisation across all platforms (Web, mobile, browsers etc). Also, ensure that there is a natural flow in your website. Ultimately it will seek to guide the visitor flawlessly. This

Optimising the Images

Excessive megabyte sized images can be a potential UX killer, if you fail to optimise them. They can be optimised by removing the excess information related to the image like dates, locations, camera specifications and so on. This can massively improve loading times.

Going Minimalistic

At the end of the day, it is your business and only you know / can determine what features you want to add to your web application, thereby starting with a framework that is lightweight. No user would like a cluttered website that will only confuse them. Some minification techniques will help you eliminate unnecessary characters in the file.

If your business caters to a global market, you can opt for a CDN (Content Delivery Network) that will considerably increase the performance of your website. This will offload some of the traffic from a singular server and links to a network of servers.

You can now Hire an expert Programmer at HireIndianProgrammers, who, rest assured, can delve into your project needs and design a website with maximum performance and optimisation.

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