Designing Mobile Websites for Voice Search

When Siri was launched by Apple in 2011, Voice Search was a nascent technology. Over the years, it has emerged popular among consumers for various reasons. It has also significantly improved in terms of accuracy and reliability. Recently, Google showcased its rejuvenated Google Assistant under the Duplex program and as you can see in the below video, the developments in Voice Search are unprecedented. Clearly, the usage of Voice Search is on the rise and it is high time businesses acknowledge its importance and incorporate it to address customer needs in new ways.

HireIndianProgrammers is a leading web and mobile development company, based in India, that provides both web and mobile app development services. Over the years, a large number of clients have hired our programmers and in return, we have earned their goodwill.

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In this blogpost, we will see how to develop mobile websites, focussing on leveraging Voice Search for your business. The one thing you must remember is that customers seek voice search is because of the associated convenience.


Addressing Common Queries

First of all, you must know the in and out of your business. That includes what your customers want from your business and the related queries. Make a list of all queries one would ask commonly about your business – for instance – hours of operation, live chat/ support portal, making reservations etc; By facilitating a mechanism for such common queries through Voice Search, you are directly hitting the customer’s sweet spot – convenience.

A good programmer familiar with Voice Search queries will have no trouble in finding out your business’ specific queries. She would also place useful snippets of information related to that corresponding query.



One strong recommendation is that you localise your content related to Voice Search queries. This means everything ranging from pictures, colours to language. By advocating localisation, you are strongly appealing to the said customer. It will bring him closer to you.

Localisation is particularly useful if your business is just starting out in the local neighbourhood. For example, if your business caters to people in Texas and the Deep South, you can probably use all visuals and language and audio that appeals to a Southerner. Do everything you can to pull up your clients’ website whenever a ‘near me’ voice search query appears.


Getting Deep

Figure out what kind of questions your customers are likely to ask that pertains to your business. As a programmer, though she may not be the person responsible for the content inside the website, they will certainly be in a position to frame it in a way such that it appears consistently in Voice Search results.

This can be achieved by making use of Google Analytics data for your website and also your business’ target market. Adding answers to common queries in featured boxes on your website will greatly help the end user by highlighting it on your website or better – place it directly in voice search results.


Now that you have learnt the importance of leveraging Voice Search in your mobile website, you can hire a mobile app developer at HireIndianProgrammers and get your Voice Search powered mobile app business started right away.

Check out our Mobile App Development team at HireIndianProgrammers. Once you hire a programmer of your choice, they will be working with you 24×7 to design the perfect Voice Search for your mobile website.

Feel free to contact us here.

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