How to Hire an Android Developer? Skills and Factors to Consider

How to Hire Android Developer - Hire Indian Programmer

Android has emerged as the top leader of the app development market. As of 2023, Android will have 87.4% of the mobile operating system market share. Therefore the possibilities of attracting a customer base with an android application might boost multifold.

In the upcoming years, the total revenue generated by mobile applications will reach up to $936 billion. Isn’t that impressive? Unfortunately, not every application can become a success as some fail too. The chances for you to deploy a successful application is just one to 10000 mobile apps that go live every day.

Making your business application successful is therefore very important. But how will you do it? How will you improve your chance to deploy a successful app? The solution is  – to hire an Android App developer.

In this next section, you clearly understand why your business needs an android app developer. Then, let’s know more about it!

Why Your Business Needs an Android App Developer

Your business needs an android app developer to make your application stand out from the crowd and help you generate more revenue. In addition, you need an Android app developer if you want your business to succeed and gain the following advantages:

Why hire Android App Developers for Your Business

Wider reach

Approximately 72.8% of mobile users use android as their mobile operating software which gives you a broad reach for your potential customers. Thus, it is advised to recruit android developers to convert your business website to a mobile-friendly application.

Marketing advantage

An android developer can make you customized applications for your business based on the insights received from consumers. They make your applications with a user-friendly interface, engaging content, third-party plug-ins, and integrations to your application to keep you ahead of your competition.

Brand recognition

An android application is an extension of your brand in a different digital platform. The application helps you spread more awareness about your brand. Thus, you must create this new digital platform with the expertise of an android developer.

Easy availability

A report by Statista proves that there are over 100,000 new mobile applications released each month, due to which there is such a vast number of developers available in the market waiting to get hired.

Furthermore, all these new developers have basic knowledge of Java, which is taught to them at the graduate level.

Thus, it becomes easy for these developers to adapt to your organization’s work environment and acquire new skills.

Free consultation

Next is, you get a free consultation from your android developer. So even if you are making your application from scratch, you will have the support and expertise of a skilled professional to design your web application and fill it with rich features and functions.


With the help of an android developer, your QA team can test your application before its final deployment. Run tests on your application to check its credibility and ensure that all your features work to their total efficiency. Also, do not forget to check user interfaces and security patches on your applications.

Free support

An android developer will keep your applications secure, avoid any malfunction of your application and get rid of bugs from your application.  Moreover, you will get access to 24X7 technical support for your application for free. All you need to do is make sure that your android developer is aware of every requirement to build a fully functional application for you and suggest ways to boost the app’.


The applications made by a professional android developer will be compatible with all your devices and will show the powerful performance of your application. Furthermore, with a full-time android developer in your team, you can solve issues with your application on time and at any time.


An NDA agreement signed by your android developer with your organization protects the idea of your mobile app development from stealing. In addition, this agreement ensures that your developer will not disclose any confidential information about your application to anyone.

However, how will you find the right developer for your android application, especially when there is substantial-high demand for them? The process can be a bit challenging. Thus, here is a list of technical and non-technical skills you must pay attention to before recruiting an android developer.

13 Skills to Pay Attention While Choosing an Android Developer:

An Android developer needs to have several skills to apply at the right place at the right time. So a mixture of both technical and non-technical skills in an Android developer can help streamline tasks internally and externally.

Android App Developer Technical Skills

Technical Skills

Let’s first discuss the technical skills to hire professional android developers.

1. Expertise in Java, Kotlin or Both

Make sure that your android developer has extensive knowledge of the two most used and official programming languages of Android development – Kotlin and Java. In addition, your developer must have the expertise of syntax and structure to develop a fully functional application.

2. Vital Android SDK concepts

Your android developer must be familiar with Android Software Development Kit to ensure that your application is:

  • Aware of the fundamental concepts of SDK and its layout
  • Ways to access data from search engines
  • Storing data on the cloud
  • Action bars for smooth interface
  • Making compatible apps for different devices.
  • Android documentation for third party integrations and plugins

3. Decent Experience with SQL

Every android app needs to store the data of the user and application. Thus, if you want your data to be managed and integrated with your application, you must ensure that your developer has some SQL experience.

SQL helps manage large databases with ease, so keep an eye open for this skill in your candidate.

4. Knowledge of GitHub

There are times when an application involves too many hands. Thus, if your android developer has the basic knowledge of Git, they will create new repositories or acknowledge the changes happening with your software. This will make the workflow seamless and set good teamwork between your employees.

5. XML Basics

Develop solutions for your application with the extensible markup language. Now get access to all your web data from XML to build a robust mobile application for your business. Mastery in XML will help you transfer data from the web to your application and back to the web with ease.

6. Understanding of Material Design Guidelines

Your android application needs to be eye-catching to attract more customers. Thus make sure that your android developer has a sound understanding of colors, shades, transitions, elements, and their placement on your website. Otherwise, Google may not approve your application and display them on the google play store.

7. Android Studio

With android studio, you can make your application run efficiently by using build-in debugging and testing tools. These tools will ensure your developer writes bug-free codes for your application and give a smooth experience to your end-user.

8. Backend Programming Skills

In times of emergency, you might need a developer who knows how to work with the backend process of the software. If your android developer has basic knowledge of one additional language, that can be your USP to create a better application.

Non-technical Skills

Some of the non-technical skills that your candidate must acquire to be better in their job are:

Android App Developer Non-Technical Skills

1. Passion for Your Work

While choosing your android developer, make sure that they are passionate about their work. They have this exceptional zeal to write codes for 8 hours daily without feeling the heat or stress of their career.

2. Communication Skills and Teamwork

Communication is the key to better teamwork, so make sure your developer has this skill. Your developer should explain the technicalities of their work with proficiency to non-technical members of the team.

3. Writing

An aptitude for writing is another aspect that you must ensure your candidate has. It helps in documenting your application and writing reports, contexts, and articles in the organization.

4. Agile Methodology

Your android developer must be familiar with agile methodology as it will help maintain the deadline to complete a particular task. Therefore, having experience in working with agile methods will be beneficial for you and your developer.

5. Business Knowledge of an Industry

Your android developer must have access to some knowledge of your industry to make functional rich websites. If they know their industry, they will better understand. your consumer behavior and what engages them to download your application.

Now when you know the skills that your android developer must have, how will you find one? Let’s check out our next section to learn more about it.

How to Find and Hire Android Developers?

Finding and hiring Android developers might seem a complex and tedious process. However, since limited Android experts are available in the market, you might want to streamline and decide how you want them hired. Here are a few ways:

How to find an Android Developer:

To find the right android developer for your business, you follow these few simple steps:

Define your requirements

If you want to hire the right android developer to build your business applications, you must define your requirements precisely. Be particular in what kind of application you want to develop from an android developer. Like whether it is a:

  • Video streaming application
  • Podcast Application
  • Application with augmented & virtual reality
  • Security application
  • Applications for managing your core team

Once you have specified your essential requirement for an android developer, you can move to the next big step in hiring a developer.

Run a good interview

You must run a background check on your potential employer, verify their work history and go through their resume.

To run a good interview, make a note of all the essential questions you will ask  your candidate about:

  • Problem-solving questions
  • Share experience in building an app in their last job
  • New technological changes in the android industry
  • Do a qualifying test
  • Problems you have encountered in past
  • Personal career goals

If you are impressed with their response, you are one step closer to hiring a capable android developer.

Ask to see a portfolio

Today most developers have at least two applications available in the Google Play store, but you need to check your candidate’s capabilities through application performance.

So as soon as you get the portfolio of your candidate, check these few things on their application:

  • a) Size
  • b) Design
  • c) User interface
  • d) Functionalities and features
  • e) Responsiveness
  • f) Stability and Implementation
  • g) Security patches
  • h) Number of downloads
  • i) Review of from consumers

By checking their applications, you will get an idea about how they work, their knowledge, skillset, the scale of the Android projects they have worked on, and the exposure they have gotten in the past.

How to Hire Android Developer?

However, one thing that remains unanswered is – Where to find android developers to hire? For getting a perfect android developer to build your application, you must consider and define some important factors:

  • Your budget
  • Goal to build a mobile application
  • Deadlines for completion of the project
  • Who will lead your team of android developers?
  • Quality of your application- if any specification or specialization is required.

With these tips, hire the right candidate for the Android development job. Here are the three ways for you to recruit your next android developer:

1. In-House employees

With in-house employees, you can have complete control on:

  • The hiring process of your employee
  • Test their skills according to your expectations
  • Application development process
  • Adjust your software as per your business needs

2. A Freelancer

You can also go forward to hiring freelance android developers for your short-term projects. While hiring a freelancer, you will get access to:

  • Recruiting process of your developer
  • Hire a specialist for developing your app
  • Full-control on the app development process
  • Reduction in cost for development of application

3. Partner Up With A Group Well-Experienced Android App Development Agency

Outsource your work to third-party organizations, which deliver customized applications as per your business needs. Here are some of the benefits you can incur while outsourcing your app development:

  • Excellent assistance to offer a personalized application for your business
  • Develop applications of a particular type with the help of developers who have experience, skills and are specialized in using the latest tech stack
  • Team up with our professionals for your app
  • Timely completion of the project

Let’s learn more about how these third-party companies will get a dedicated Android developer on board.

How do Our Dedicated Models Help Companies Hire Android Developers?

Android development companies can help you hire dedicated android developers. How? With their transparent working model that ensures you get the best developers as per your requirement.

These three modules will help you hire the ideal developer to build your application:

1. Dedicated Team Model

The full-time dedicated android developers recruited by the company will focus on creating and developing your android application.

So you name your requirement of an android developer, and the companies will hire one for you. So now, you don’t need to worry about your customized application.

Pros of hiring a developer from a dedicated team model are:

  • Work exclusively on your project
  • Monthly invoice
  • Completion of assignment on time
  • You will incur no extra cost

2. Fixed Price Model

Fixed pricing models will ensure that you hire android developers for your long-term projects. Give a detailed description of the technical assistance you require for your project.

Pros of hiring a developer from a fixed price model are:

  • Complete confidentiality about your project
  • No extra costs will be incurred
  • Set deadlines and salaries for your developer
  • You require minimum supervision

3. Hourly Model

Recruit hourly android developers and pay them according to the time they spent working on your project. This model will ensure that you do not spend a penny more than what your developer deserves to complete your project on time.

Pros of hiring an android developer from the hourly model are:

  • Pay for the expenses incurred by the android developer
  • No extra cost is incurred by the developer or the company
  • Get a full-time developer on an hourly basis
  • Timely delivery of your android application


Now you are all set to build your perfect application with an ideal developer. With our above cheat sheet, you can hire a developer from Hire Indian Programmers that ensures smooth flow for creating your custom android application. So let’s recruit you as a new android developer!

For more Android development-related queries, contact us now.

Read More Android & Mobile App Development Blogs:

How Much Does It Cost to Build an Android App in India?
Top skills to check before hiring an Android Developer
Understanding The Mobile App Design & Development Process
25 Simple Tools for Building Mobile Apps Fast

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