Factors to Consider Before Hiring an Android App Developer

Factors to Consider before Hiring Android Developer

Mobile apps today have become an integral part of our lifestyle. We can develop and deploy an app to Google Play Store or iOS App Store for every small action or help perform complex tasks at a click. We can use apps with exceptional features and performance, from calculating our walking steps to ordering food from our favorite restaurant.

These mobile apps make life easy for users and help brands upscale their business by constantly connecting with their consumers. As a result, organizations can set a direct communication channel with their consumers through mobile apps and expand their business significantly.

Currently, Android apps are leading the market with their performance, features, popularity, and user base. As a result, Android app development has emerged as one of the fastest-growing segments in the mobile industry and is predicted to continue growing in the coming years.

A scalable and robust mobile app is the most crucial task that any app development organization needs to accomplish. So, it is imperative to hire Android developers who are skilled, diligent, and dedicated as they bear the primary responsibility for deploying a successful Android application.

This article will list factors to consider before hiring android app developers to help you develop interactive applications to expand your business. We will also discuss:

  • Why hire Android developers?
  • Factors to consider before hiring Android developers
  • Identifying the suitable model to hire android developers

Let’s start with why hire Android developers!

Why Hire Android Developers?

Why to Hire Android Developers

With almost 2.8 million existing Android apps on the platform, there is fierce competition between apps for users’ attention. Consequently, it puts a great deal of pressure on businesses and app developers to develop Android applications that are high in performance and can suit your budget.

An Android application needs to be scalable, affordable, robust, and secure. To attract more consumers to your application, it also needs customization to suit your business needs, regular upgrades, and maintenance cycles. That is why you should hire an Android app developer or a development company to build dynamic applications with a responsive user interface.

These are some more reasons why you should hire android developers for developing android applications:

  • To boost awareness among people with eye-catching designs and a user-friendly interface
  • To establish the market brand value of your app with a skilled professional
  • To increase your revenue and ROI with the successful deployment of applications
  • To develop a robust platform to reach more people and interact with them 24×7
  • To create and deploy applications according to your customer’s needs.

Now you are aware of the reasons why you must adopt android developers to build your enterprise application. Next, let’s move on to some of the factors you must consider before hiring an android developer.

Factors to Consider Before Hiring Android Developer

If you are still wondering how to hire Android developers, you do not need to look further! We will discuss a few factors and tips to hire Android app developers to build your Android application in this segment.

Interview them for their technical Android development skills

5 Key Points for Hiring Android App Developer

First and foremost, you need to check their technical skills and knowledge while hiring an ideal android developer. Check which technical stacks they have used to develop the application. Also, make sure that they are using the latest technologies and methodologies while building your applications.

Android developer technical skills

Here is the technical list that you should notice while developing your Android applications:

1. Successfully Deploy Apps to Google Store

What’s the point of hiring an android developer who is not familiar with an android platform they need to work on to deploy apps to the Google Store? Therefore, hire an android developer with the necessary knowledge and experience to develop an app for Android platforms.

Or, if you want to make cross-platform applications, make sure that you hire a developer who knows how to build an app for multiple operating systems.

2. Expert In Domain Analysis 

It is always a good idea to verify your prospective Android developer’s certifications and expertise before hiring them to build a customized application. Developers with extensive knowledge of the mobile domain will exhibit their ability to develop innovative android applications and monitor their performance.

A skilled developer will keep track of your application and drive insights that can improve the productivity of your applications.

3. Create Responsive and User-friendly Interfaces

An android developer should have the ability to visualize the app design and layout that is in perfect harmony with your brand. Additionally, ask them about their design process and if they’ll be able to design UX-optimized templates, responsive designs, and multi-layer encryption to enhance your users’ experience.

4. Experience in Material design

In recent years, Google has released innovative UI guidelines and standards, also known as Material designs. These Material Design standards include tips for laying out elements and using specific styles such as drop shadows.

Despite not being mandatory, Google recommends Android developers to follow these guidelines for designing customized user interfaces to create your apps. Thus, before hiring an android developer, ensure that they have adequate knowledge and experience in Material design.

5. A Full-Stack Developer

Android mobile apps utilize databases to perform various functionalities, so they require database management and maintenance. So if you hire a developer who does not know database management, you need to hire another expert to manage your project’s data.

Thus, this is not a cost-effective solution at all, especially if you are a budding startup. Therefore, you should hire a full-stack developer who is an industry expert and can manage your data quickly.

6. Experience with API

The purpose of the APIs is to add third-party plugins to improve the user experience of your customers. Therefore, when interviewing your potential Android app developer, check their familiarity with different third-party applications that can enhance your productivity.

Every aspect of the development ecosystem has evolved, including databases like AWS and Firebase. However, developers who have a solid understanding of the concepts associated with a database will stand out.

7. Backend Programming Skill

In an emergency, you might need an android developer who understands how the backend of the software works and can help you in the absence of your programmer. To know an additional language is not a necessary skill that you need.

But it can be the unique selling point of your potential Android developer. Thus when interviewing your Android developers, ask them if they have any basic knowledge or skills of one additional language to code your apps and more.

Now you are aware of all the technical skills that you should consider while hiring an android developer. Let’s take a sneak-peek at all the non-technical skills your Android developer should have.

Evaluate their Non-technical Skills

Once you are sure that your shortlisted android app developer has all the technical skills you need to develop a successful app, check their non-technical skills. These non-technical skills will guarantee that your app developer has the right mindset and understanding to be a part of your organization.

Android Developer Non Technical Skills

Here is a list of few non-technical skills that your Android developer should have:

1. Understands Your Business Goals

Hire Android developers who are knowledgeable about the business goals and requirements of your organization. Ensure that your app developer understands your organization’s mission, vision, and plans during the interview.

Ask your android developers how they can build dynamic apps to meet your goals and user-friendly interfaces to attract more consumers to your app. These apps also help spread awareness about your brand and increase your ROI.

2. Adjust To Your Team And Work Environment

Choose an Android developer who is a team player and can settle in your work environment. Every app development project is a team effort, and an android developer needs to communicate with their team and other departments like marketing, R&D, sales, and more.

Thus your newly recruited Android developer must settle with your team and working environment to do justice to their jobs.

3. Focus On The Experience Of Your App Developer

With an experienced and skilled professional, you can build dynamic user-centric apps to grow your business. An experienced Android developer will be a good choice since he will know market trends and the latest tools and technologies for making market-driven applications.

In addition, look at the portfolio of the android app developer you are considering before proceeding, so you are sure they have completed similar projects.

Look at the Type of Apps The Android Developers Built (and Not Just The No. of Apps)

You must check the portfolio of the android developer before hiring them as an employee in your organization. Make sure that your potential app developer has at least one app of his own in the Google store.

While checking out their apps, just don’t go on the number of apps deployed on the Google store. Instead, download the app to check its functions, features, user interface, and more. A confident app developer will proudly show their work to you. However, if they don’t, then ask them to showcase their apps to you.

Having a Google Play account means that the developer is a professional who loves to create Android applications. Additionally, it means he knows how to develop, test, and upload the app to the Play Store. So, if you find a developer who has the skills and experience to create Android applications, grab them with both your hands.

See If the Android Developer Can Fit into Your Requirements

While hiring an ideal android app developer, you must check that they fit into your company’s job description or not. Consider the following factors before recruiting an Android app developer:

Android Developer to fit into your requirements


  • Domain Understanding

Check whether the android app developer has the skills, experience, and domain understanding to create apps for your business.  Also, know their area of expertise so that you can use their knowledge to develop and deploy a successful app in the Google store.

  • Assured Quality of Android Apps

While interviewing an Android developer, ask them to showcase their work to you. Also, check the functions and features of the apps already deployed to the Google store. This way, you can be assured about the quality of Android apps and can hire the right candidate for your company.

  • Post-development Support

If you want your users to keep engaging with your application, hire a developer who can provide post-development support for your application. Regular updates, maintenance, intuitive design, and securing patches should be the high-priority for your developer to keep users coming back.

  • Timely Delivery of Application

Professional android developers will always meet their deadlines and be efficient in their work. They will focus on designing and deploying applications that meet your business goals.  So, select an android app developer who has an excellent track record of delivering apps on time.

  • Has an Established Portfolio

Make sure that your android app developer has an established portfolio so that you can check out their expertise, skills, UX templates, and quality of developing an app. Having an established portfolio will help you know them better and utilize their skills to build a scalable android app.

  • Sound Technological Knowledge

Your ideal android developer should have complete technical knowledge and skills to develop android applications. They should have a deep understanding of JAVA, XML code, Android SDK, Android Studio, Databases, Material Design, and more.

  • Know-how About The Industry And Its Advancement

Every app on the market should be developed according to the latest trends in the industry. Thus, you need to be sure that your android app developer is equipped with the know-how of the latest industry advancements and agile methodologies.

Identify the Right Model to Hire The Android Developers

Steps to Consider While hiring Android Developers

Here are the three ways to hire Android developers for your organization. Hire the one that meets your business needs and fits within your budget.

Hourly Model

Hire hourly Android developers and reimburse them according to the amount of time they spend on your project. In this way, you’ll ensure that your developer gets paid for what they ideally deserve to complete your project on time.

Pros of hiring an android developer from the hourly model are:

  • The expenses of the Android developer should be paid
  • The developer and the company incur no extra costs
  • The cost of hiring a full-time developer is based on an hourly rate
  • Timely delivery of your android application

Fixed Price Model

Your long-term projects will be more likely to be profitable with fixed pricing models. Describe the kind of technical assistance you require for your project in detail.

It is advantageous to hire a developer on a fixed price basis:

  • You can adhere to complete confidentiality regarding your project
  • You will not incur any additional costs
  • You can establish deadlines and salaries for your developers
  • You need minimal supervision

Dedicated Model

With the dedicated model, you can hire a full-time Android developer to create your android application. As a result, you can specify the kind of android developer you need and get exactly what you want. Now, you no longer need to worry about your customized application.

Advantages of hiring android developers from the Dedicated model are:

  • Dedicated to your project only
  • Invoices are due every month
  • On-time completion of assignments
  • There will be no additional charge

Right Model to hire Android Developers

 Frequently Asked Questions

  •  How much time does it take to develop an Android app?

The time you will take to develop an android app entirely depends upon the skills of your android developer and on the size of your project. So, if you hire a skilled and experienced professional developer, it is only a matter of 2-3 weeks to build small apps, 5-6 weeks to construct mid-size apps, and 9-10 weeks to build big-size apps.

  •  How often should you update an Android app?

You should update your app at least once a month to take advantage of ever-changing marketing needs and trends. Some of the most successful apps are updated four times a month to remain relevant and not overwhelm their users. However, most free apps release an update every week as a part of their marketing campaign.

  •  What factors should be considered while developing Android applications?

The factors you should consider while developing Android applications are:

  • In-depth analysis of the market to know your customers and their demands better
  • Identify and target your ideal audience to build your android app
  • Focus on creating customized and intuitive designs
  • Decide the must-have technical features for your application
  • Allot funds and time for your project
  •  How much does it cost to hire an Android developer?

The cost to hire an Android developer depends upon a lot of varied factors like:

  • Time-span of your project
  • Suitable model to hire developers
  • Skills and experience of your android developer
  • From one country to another
  • Whether you outsource your work or hire a full-time developer

Hire Android app developers the right way                             

Now that you know what you should consider before hiring android developers,   you are all set to hire your perfect match to develop a successful application. In short, you are ready to hire an Android developer for your business with the above cheat sheet. So start your journey of hiring an android developer today!

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