CAPTCHA – Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart
Want to protect your website from spam bots or fake signups ? CAPTCHA is used to prevent the websites from spam or bots. By integrating Google Captcha on your website you can easily identify whether the visitor who made registration in your site is human or bot. Without Captcha technology, Spammers can easily set up several accounts or leave numerous comments which may affect the reputation of your business.
In the world of Cybersecurity, business owners are presented with two options to avert their sites from scams such as CAPTCHA and RECAPTCHA. You have to know the difference between these two before a choice is made. You can easily Hire a PHP Developer in India from HireIndianProgrammers to protect your site from robots.
Both Captcha and ReCaptcha work for the same purpose. But you have to choose the one which suits your business objectives.