Security Needs For Your Website

Security is one aspect that is vital for both the client hiring coders for web development and the end customers. There is always the threat of hackers trying to infiltrate websites. Small and medium scale businesses are especially vulnerable. The problem with such clients who are hiring programmers to develop websites is not complacency but rather a lack of resources and awareness to design and manage security systems.

Given that our web developers at HireIndianProgrammers have undertaken a variety of software projects, we want to put all concerns to rest – it is not difficult or expensive to secure websites. One just needs to hire a developer with the right expertise to implement it. In this blogpost, we seek to alleviate some of these concerns and also how to go about setting in place a decent security system.

The first thing that clients hiring a programmer need to watch out for is the kind of the hosting platform to deploy their site. With regard to this, we can state that shared hosting doesn’t quite fit the bill. This is because any attacks on a shared server can easily pass on to your website. It is also safe to steer clear of those web hosts that do not provide any information on data centres. The best approach is to opt for those hosts that have built-in security features and provide assurance of levels of security.

Businesses hiring developers also need to look for SSL certificates – a mandatory feature that is a form of encryption for unsecured websites. Doing this has an added advantage of being noticed by Google’s algorithm for ranking. Every small action of the developer – be it content management, theme, plugins plays a role in the website’s security. Basically, any new software that the client hiring a coder introduces must be inspected for any sort of issues. This can be done by sifting through user reviews and version updates.

Next, we strongly advocate the need for clients hiring developers to adhere to a strict password policy. Weak logins are susceptible to hacking. For instance, one can follow practices such as two factor authentication. Even simple mechanisms of setting a combination of alphanumeric would hold good. Often websites are plagued by spam which can be quite the nuisance. In these scenarios, clients hiring web programmers would do well to install a spam blocking plugin. A holistic approach for deploying security for your website is to install an all-in-one security plugin. Such plugins have provisions for all sorts of exigencies ranging from database security to firewalls.

Finally, our experienced developer team strongly exhort clients hiring programmers to imbibe the good practice of always backing up their files and records. In the case of unforeseen attacks, this can be extremely helpful in reinstating at least earlier versions. In recent times, there have been greater incidences of security attacks. In the face of such attacks, if business websites are left unprotected, it can lead to catastrophic consequences, sometimes resulting even in loss of goodwill for the business. If that is not bad news, what is?

Now that you have gone through our blogpost, we sincerely hope that you found it to be useful. Speaking of which, if you are on the lookout to hire a programmer – we must let you know that our developer team at HireIndianProgrammers offer a range of web development services across the software development cycle spectrum – be it designing, maintenance, support, repair, scaling etc; Having said that, we also guarantee that by hiring a web developer at HireIndianProgrammers, you can get your desired website up and running as per stipulated requirements and deadlines.

So what are you waiting for? Hire a coder and get coding now! In case of further queries, contact our team at HireIndianProgrammers.


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