One of the most common irritants for visitors browsing websites is the pop-up permission forms regarding the usage of cookies. A diverse range of clients hire our programmers at HireIndianProgrammers for various web development projects including but not limited to PHP development, mobile app development. Having acquired significant experience in different domains, our dedicated programmers seek to break down the what-why-how of cookies in this blogpost.
What are Cookies?
Cookies are packets of data sent by a server to an internet browser. This is then returned by the browser each time it accesses the same server, thereby enabling to identify the user or track their access. Like all things in technology that web developers and computer engineers create, cookies are also potentially dangerous, carrying with them a security risk. Experienced coders will readily acknowledge the associated ills of cookies in internet.
Issues Concerned
Not only that, if a client hiring a dedicated programmer wants to develop a full-scale website with an enhanced user experience, then programmers will certainly need to pay due attention to cookies. Cookies have been known to kill user experience in general. No visitor likes to close off constant pop-ups to read the website’s content. Programmers who have been providing web development services for a long time will be aware that cookies can damage the aesthetics and ease of use of websites.
Yet, the most important concern has to do with user tracking and as far as we know, it is deeply frowned upon. Our opinion as dedicated web developers and programmers is that internet businesses and advertising companies need not advertise at the expense of users. User safety always trumps sales. A bit of ethics is expected on the part of client. As web programmers, we must also learn when to appropriately to implement cookies – for instance there is no actual need for cookies until a user actually creates an account.
Programmers would do well to find new ways and alternatives to cookies for generally tracking users. Developers can make use of storage options like Indexed DB to store records in the visitor’s system itself. An even better option is for clients hiring dedicated programmers to consider identifying users without storing data. Advertising ID by Google and IDFA by Apple. They enable web developers to track users through their browsers using IP addresses. The only downside is that users can opt out of it anytime.
Finally, it always makes sense for webprogrammers and clients to discuss whether there is even any real need for cookies.
Hire an expert Programmer at HireIndianProgrammers, who can, rest assured, delve into your project needs and design a website with maximum performance and optimisation.
You can get started in your hiring process by first checking out our website and what we do right away. You can also check out our team at HireIndianProgrammers.