
MyMr - HIP Angular Project

This project is used to upload and share medical records between patients and doctors. We can upload and share documents through printers and websites. Additionally, we can share documents from patient to provider and from provider to provider. We can split the documents to show the different folders, we can create a profile using avatar settings. Avatar settings allow users to customize their profile image or representation with an avatar.

Technology & Tools:

Frontend Website: Angular material

Backend Website: Node.js

Database: MongoDB

Team Resources: 2 With Designer

Core Technologies: HTML, CSS, TypeScript,jquery

And we upload and share the documents using different folders. The folder names are:

  • Clinical Summary Document
  • History and Physical Documents
  • Consultation Note Documents
  • Progress Note Documents
  • Discharge Summary Documents
  • Lab Reports Documents
  • Pathology Report Documents
  • Radiology Report Documents
  • Procedures Report Documents
  • Emergency Room Record Documents
  • Miscellaneous Documents
  • Medications Documents
  • Manual Documents

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