Recipe to build awesome one page websites

As part of providing holistic software development services, our developer team has undertaken diverse web development projects catering to different businesses and based on different platforms. Many a time clients approach us to hire a WordPress developer to design a single page websites. Contrary to what many developers think, designing one page websites are much harder than multi-page websites. This is because developers need to design in such a way that they convey similar information and appeal to the same extent as multi-page website. Imagine cramming a lot of information only to end up frustrating customers. So the key here is to strike the right balance. In this blogpost, we go through some of the ingredients to design the perfect single page website.

Business Vision

As in marketing effort, the client must strive to make clear her business vision to the developer, so that both and other stakeholders are on the same boat. Why is this important? The business vision or goal streamlines the entire process, focussing on a set of objectives and thus concentrating all efforts towards the same. These goals can be anything ranging from selling a product or service, announcements, exhibiting portfolios and so on. Failing to do this in the initial stages can prove to be catastrophic and costly for the client and the developer. Understanding the business vision also paves the way for designing the website layout – content, style, colours, images etc.


Clients and developers would do well to remember that content is always the king. Displaying the right content requires collaboration and deliberation between the stakeholders. Content here refers to everything from text, images, videos, animations etc. Everything matters. When it comes to displaying text, going minimalistic is generally good for attracting customers. Bold texts with brief paragraphs or one liners or phrases are sure to entice customers. Having said that, the text must also be compelling. Visuals are powerful and when used in the right manner, they can make a great impact on brand image and consequently on end sales or related metrics. Contrasting images with a fresh perspective that includes a good mix of images and text are welcome. At the same time, making wise use of white and negative spaces can enhance footfalls. It shows order and elegant presentation of distinct components.


This includes both navigation and call to action buttons. Even simple navigation like scroll down can be used effectively alongside good content. It provides a seamless experience for customers visiting the website. Ultimately clients want customers to view content in a natural way like how a great story moves forward. Designing a single page website must take this into consideration. Coming to call to action buttons, the client must neither shy away from using them nor bombard the page with them. Using them in the right number and right place are key to entice more customers. Cluttering the page would not serve anyone. In fact, it will frustrate customers and make them leave the site. Generally speaking, a single call to action button is enough, given the singular objective of this category of websites.

Now that we have gone through the ingredients for building the perfect one-page website, what do you think is required apart from those discussed? It goes without saying that clients hiring a dedicated WordPress developer are better placed in designing great single page websites.

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