How would a small or medium-sized business use Social Surveyor?
We have received several questions from testers as to how a small to medium sized business would use Social Surveyor. This post will look at how ‘Dave’, a typical small business owner would use Social Surveyor to run his online marketing campaigns. Dave sells a product and service in his target market, which is regional in nature covering an area of several surrounding states. He also has seven employees who work for him.
Post content online
Dave is active on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and a couple of other social networks, has two blogs for his business, and a couple of online newsletters. He is able to easily distribute all of his content from one place to all of his marketing channels with the click of a button. Dave is also able to monitor the results of his postings from the same place. This results in Dave being able to do things much more quickly and efficiently compared to how he used to run things.